Feeling better..Thanks.But last night..

I want to thank everyone for all the input on my weepyness. It made me feel good to know there is such support out there.
But, now last night i had some complications. I was wondering if anyone has had this reaction.
The day before I got my pacemaker, I had a reaction to something. My hands turned bright red and started itching so bad I wanted to use a knife on them. Then within minutes I was having trouble breathing. I was raced to the hospital and while working on me for breathing treatment, they discovered my heart block, grade 3. They said one had nothing to do with the other.
Last night at 3:30am I woke up with the itchy palms. I got up, felt like my breathing was turning labored. I got everything ready to call 911 as I was alone. I took my heart rate, it was 72 bpm, I sat and tried to relax, my feet started to itch really bad too. After a bit, I was breathing ok again and went back to bed. I called my cardio.. and they said it was not related again, so I am to see my Primary. care. Phy. tomorrow. Has anyone had such a freky thing happen to them like this?
I am such a problem child.......... thanks.



by Tracey_E - 2010-07-08 01:07:07

I'm with Pookie, it sounds like you're allergic to something.

Many people have av block and go undiagnosed, but it's plain as day on an ekg because the ventricles never (or hardly ever) beat at the same time as the atria. That's one of the first things they do in the ER, so that would be how they found it so quickly when you were in the hospital for something else.

You're not a problem child, you're a newbie. We've all been there, don't worry about asking your questions!

Just A Guess....

by Pookie - 2010-07-08 01:07:38

but it sounds like you're allergic to something.

perhaps you should ask your doctor to be sent for that allergy test.

and if it happens again - I'd take pictures!!!!!!!!

good luck.



by thomast - 2010-07-08 02:07:26

When I first started taking coreg that is what happened to my hands. they swelled up and were itchy. I had to change and start out with small doses and then slowy increase the dose about every week. I now take 12,5 mg twice a day.


Feeling better con't

by Settingthepace2 - 2010-07-08 03:07:23

I am not taking anything new. No new food, drugs, animals, detergent. Nothing. Hence the question at to what is going on.
It does act like an allergic reaction to something, but why at 3:30am?
I have no idea what the doctor will do tomorrow. But if I at least get a breathing treatment I will feel better. It is scary to not be able to breath and be alone. And, after today, I will have my grand daughter with me all the time. I hope he can help.


by sereimund - 2010-07-08 11:07:02

While is does sound like its an allergic reaction. I like the better safe than sorry route, I would talk to your cardiologist and a lot of people have care links now that are like the mini version of the computers used to check your pm at the office they take a lovely snapshot of whats going on and then from your phone line they go to a computer database for your cardiologist/ pm nurse to look at the next day or later that day depending on the time. If they see something weird they'll tell you.

I'm suggesting this because you seem to think its not an allergic reaction and I know just because they ask me when I'm at the office, that swelling around feet/ hands can be signs for stuff. This would hopefully give you some peace of mind about it not being related to your heart problems.

But if it is an allergy thing you might check to see if there was something you ate on both of those days or if there were pollens or allergens in the air on those days that your hands swelled.


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