Heart Diesease?

This is kind of a dumb question but I will ask it anyway.
Because I had a sudden grade 3 heart block, and SSS, is it considered "heart diesease"? Or was it a "heart attack"?
I thought a heart attack was when your heart had a sudden problem.


so which was it?

by Settingthepace2 - 2010-08-03 01:08:45

So I have heart disease. Not a heart attack.
SSS is heart disease


by Tarzan - 2010-08-03 02:08:35

This is one of those things you call whatever makes you happy, I guess.

But the definition of disease is "an abnormal condition affecting the organ of the body. It is usually a condition associated with specific symptoms and signs." To me this means if you have a heart attack for whatever reason you had heart disease first.

But you can line up the words heart attack and heart disease however you think is right. The results are going to be the same.

on a medical form

by Settingthepace2 - 2010-08-03 02:08:41

from now on, on any medical forms I put I have Heart Disease? Do my kids now put on their forms that their mother has heart disease? This is why I was asking.


by LS - 2010-08-03 04:08:25

You have both. You have heart disease & you had a heart attack.


by JessiWay - 2010-08-03 04:08:31

Yeah, you do. I asked the same question of my doctor when my pacemaker went in in February of this year. Take care,

Answering the question

by Blue - 2010-08-03 07:08:02

I recently had to fill out forms with the enquiry: Do you have heart disease. My answer to such a question is: Pacemaker and I leave it at that. If they want to know why I had a pacemaker they can ask.

One form was for Travel insurance. I just put SSS and then when they asked I sent them a copy of the print from my last checkup. They did insure me.

"What an answer!!"

by Settingthepace2 - 2010-08-03 07:08:48

I want to thank rwarren99 for all the trouble to give me all the inforamtion I wanted, needed, and could ever ask for.
Now for the first time I really know what went on, what is going on and how to respond.
Thank you again.
Still Settingthepace!!

Which Comes First?

by Tarzan - 2010-08-03 12:08:12

Heart disease causes heart attacks.

The terminology

by cruz - 2010-08-05 09:08:15

It's funny how the terminology can trip all of us up. My paperwork has said CHF, DCM, heart disease, severe heart failure. When anyone asks, I just say I have a heart condition. No one seems to understand DCM. They immediately think you must have had a heart attack or have blocked arteries.

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