Blake well wishes

Just thinking about the wonderful founder of this site, and hoping that your atrial flutter isn't giving you fits.
Possibly, you've had your ablation just in time for the Winter Pacemaker Olympics...LOL.

Here's to you, Blake, and I do hope you're well.




by cfritza - 2010-02-11 12:02:15

Here's to wishing you the very best and thanking you for having the insite to start this website it's been a blessing to so many of us, THANKS so much. Wishing you Well! Carol


by qwerty - 2010-02-11 12:02:41

I wanted to add my thanks. This site has helped so many and the people here are the greatest.

Hope you are doing well.


Getting better

by admin - 2010-02-14 08:02:31

I've had anasty cold for about three weeks now. I'm back to about 75%.

My flutter has been coming and going, but not as often as before Chirstmas. I gave up caffine again. It seems to be helping. My ablation is either on the week of March 15 or 22. I'm waiting for confirmation.

All the best,


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