light swimming

how long should i wait to do some light swimming in a pool?
i've had my pm for almost 3 months. it is a pm2210.



by LS - 2010-07-06 10:07:36

I'm at 5 months & am in the pool every day. Have been since the end of May when they opened. Swimming & treading water!

About 2 months ago

by ElectricFrank - 2010-07-07 01:07:50

Seriously, you should be fine with reasonable swimming. Just start working up to your usual level.


should be fine

by Hot Heart - 2010-07-07 06:07:32

I do always take a bit of care of my right side though and dont push that arm as much as i used to.


Where was your PM inserted?

by Edouard - 2010-07-07 12:07:48

I got my PM on May 25th of this year.
After spending 4 days being reassured by all the doctors and nurses at the Montreal Heart Institute that it would be possible for me to resume my competitive swimming about a month and a half after surgery, I got into a heated argument with my surgeon 15 minutes before the procedure was to start. When I told her I wanted to maintain my swimming regimen, she told me, rather dryly, that "in life, tough choices must be made". I kind of lost it at that point and insisted she check her file. She reluctantly looked at the file then told me she'd speak to her supervisor. She came back eventually and told me she'd proceed with a cephalic insertion rather than the usual sub-clavian entry.
On the issue of when you can start swimming again, I was told to wait for a period of 6 weeks - 1 1/2 months.
I've been doing some light, out-of-water training and am looking forward to swimming again, by the end of this week (+/- 45 days).
Good luck

Good going Edouard!

by ElectricFrank - 2010-07-08 01:07:31

Glad you kept the surgeon honest. Makes us wonder how many other things they miss.


Another Water Baby ?

by Lars - 2010-07-24 01:07:13

Is the wound all healed up first ? You don't want a bug from from another swimmer spit getting in there do you ? Then no excessive overhead arm movements ... let it all knit in first ... gentle breast stroke ... backstroke later please ... Lars,

pain at sight of PM during swimming

by janie13 - 2010-09-26 02:09:38

i went swimming for the first time since my PM was put in in April. the water is fairly warm since Seniors use this pool for exercise. after a short time swimming i noticed pain in the area of the PM. was this from exercise? the pain discontinued as soon as i got out of the pool. Has anyone had this same occurrence?

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