what does pacing mean

oh one more thing....what does pacing mean? i think at my check up they said I was pacing at 20% .....is this referring to my natural heartbeat or the beats the pacemaker is causing? Can someone explain this to me too?



by Tracey_E - 2010-07-16 01:07:11

We do that here too, throw out terms and forget everyone doesn't know what they mean. Don't be shy when you hear something new, ask away!


by Tracey_E - 2010-07-16 08:07:17

That's the percentage of time that the pm is causing the beats. So, 4/5 of the time your heart is working on its own.


by stacykay1 - 2010-07-16 12:07:47

Thank you TracyE...Theres alot they don't tell you in the office!


by ccallahan - 2010-07-18 04:07:17

Tracy is right. We may mention something as they do and don't hesitate to question even us. She is right. I will sometimes welcome people and tell them happy pacing in hopes everyone knows what I mean. Good luck with everything. You will probably hear more terms so do not hesitate to ask them. They know you are new to this and you may feel you are asking a dumb question, but the dumb questions are the ones you don't ask.

God Bless

Happy Pacing

Rev Chuck


by stacykay1 - 2010-07-18 11:07:25

Thanks...I am blessed to have found this site. I have been worried to death with all the unanswered questions. Doctors and nurses these days fail to explain all of this stuff to us as patients. They just slap you with "well you need a pacemaker cuz you have SSS." And explain nothing else. So glad to have met you guys. Maybe there needs to be a pacemaker picnic or something so everyone can meet unless you guys already do something like that.

God bless..

meeting others

by Tracey_E - 2010-07-22 05:07:47

We had a social last year around a fundraiser, about a dozen of us met in Tampa for a weekend. The dates don't work out to do it around the fundraiser this year so nothing is planned. Quite a few of us have met, tho, when we travel.


by stacykay1 - 2010-07-23 04:07:20

Well I currently live in North Mississippi an hour and a half from Memphis and I'm going home to Las Cruces, NM from July 28 to Aug 10. Any one from around these areas?

You know you're wired when...

The mortgage on your device is more than your house.

Member Quotes

I just want to share about the quality of life after my pacemaker, and hopefully increase awareness that lifestyles do not have to be drastically modified just because we are pacemaker recipients.