3 months on

Hi everyone.....it's been a while!! 3 months after my implant due to type 1 full heart block, it's been an interesting ride. Once my head got round the fact that I rely on a Pacer 99.9% of the time, I manage to live a completely normal life, (though my Cardio Doc insists I don't excercise until I have a couple of further tests to rule out CAD (Cardio Arterial Disease). Back on my motorbike, Gigging with my band, working part time in a new career, moved house, gardening etc...brilliant.....until! I received a letter confirming two appointments to attend Leeds General Infirmary Nuclear Cardiology Dept for a Myocardial Perfusion Scan. I thought that I was ok with this as my specialist said it was a simple test and shouldn't prove positive, but since reading the letter my stress levels have soared, and coincidently my heart rhythm has been irregular. I guess we all constantly check our pulse and analyse every flutter? but mine seems to miss a beat every so often leaving me anxious and totally not trusting my body/health. I am 1 week away from my 2nd Pacemaker Clinic, and hope my recent angst is purely psychoschematic but wonder, is this natural? I mean the missing a beat thing.... my implant is dual chamber, on demand and was told to accept that my heart won't beat a 'perfect' timed rhythm... but I seem to have gone for over a month without so much as a twinge, it's been amazing, so why now with the weird feelings in my chest and dropping a beat?
Sorry to go on.... just fallen off the horse, need to get back on again!


Missed heart beat

by Baz - 2010-10-08 05:10:29

Hi Tim

I've had a missed beat on and off for over 25 years. That is I only get a missed heart beat when I'm anxious over anything. I can go for a year or more and then something in my life makes me anxious and then it starts again. I even had an ECG when I was in my thirties (now 56)which showed nothing.

I'm three weeks into a Biventricular pacemaker implant although I'm feeling at ease now in my first week I was slightly worked up and guess what, while checking my pulse I had a missed beat. Because I'd had it before the PM I'm not going to worry about it.

If i'm not careful I get in a downward spiral, the more I worry the more time I miss a beat. In my case relaxing is the most inportant thing.

Good luck Tim and I sincerely hope it's no more than anxiety.


Skipped beats

by ElectricFrank - 2010-10-09 02:10:46

Skipped beats are normal. In fact most of us including non-pacers have PVC,s. I've had them for years and sometimes have had as many as 2500 in a day.


Thanks... can't sleep

by mrskid - 2010-10-10 08:10:10

Thanks for your encouraging words.... I'm still anxious, don't know why? I can't help checking my pulse and I'm getting a strange sensation in the centre of my chest just above nipple height!! This sensation is causing my over active alarm bells to chime, which in turn entrenches my anxiety...... it's driving me mad, an I worry that it might drive my supportive & loving girlfriend away.... more self destructive thought patterns I hear you say!! I don't feel dizzy or tired.... just want my life back

You know you're wired when...

You have a shocking personality.

Member Quotes

A properly implanted and adjusted pacemaker will not even be noticeable after you get over the surgery.