Amioderone ?

Amioderone.... Im on it, 200MG per day, seems to be a small dosage, well, after reading about this nasty, but effective drug, Im wondering what the replacement drug is for this stuff?

Google it if your on it, some of it is pretty scary



also on amiodarone

by Laben - 2010-08-21 01:08:39

I have been on 200mg dose (from 400mg) for 17 years. It has been the only drug to curb my V-tachs. Fortunately I have had no serious side affects. I am knocking on wood and crossing my fingers though. I have blood work every six months and have had several lung tests throughout.........Laben


by franko1966 - 2010-08-21 10:08:53

i took it for abouth 9 months,untill i got my icd/pacemaker in me,been of it for about three years.doc tried to use multag,400mg twice a day,brother of amiodarone,just came out on the market,but was not right for me

Suggestion from my wife

by Edouard - 2010-08-21 11:08:02

I've got a PM and my wife has had valve repair surgery, so together, we're the Two of Hearts. Anyway, she saw your comment on Amioderone and asked me to make a suggestion to you. Her preferred forum is She does agree with you about the toxicity of Amioderone (she was on the stuff for three months). She says that on her forum, this drug is the subject of much discussion. You'll probably find a lot of information there.
Good luck



by thomast - 2010-08-21 12:08:31

From amioderone I went to sotalol, which made me very sick, then went to tikosyn which I have been on for 5 years with no problems.


nasty stuff!

by mereiriz - 2010-08-22 11:08:26

I was on Amiodarone for about 9 months and let me tell you, it was really nasty! I was in a combination of Sotalol, Amiodarone and Cardizem and it was working pretty well with my tachycardias, but I started having double vision, liver problems and my thyroid gland went nuts! My cardiologist didn't want to eliminate it because my heart rate was normal for the first time in many years. Anyways, we had to do it and I remained taking the Sotalol and the Cardizem until my complete sinus node ablation and pacemaker implantation last year. We never found a good replacement but I was glad all the side effects were gone.


by Skyking - 2010-08-28 07:08:36

Talked to doc and told him about my ongoing dizziness, He had me on both Digoxin AND amiodarone, he told me to stop taking the digoxin.....I decided to quit taking both of them....So since I decided to quit taking my 200 mgs of amiodarone daily like my doc (the EP cardio doc) prescribed, I lasted 5 days and then all hell broke loose with my rythmn and rate. All the vital signs were normal about 110/85 a little low, but the bpm were upwards of 100bpm. I could feel the atrial fib and or flutter and it was bothersome. It lasted after a late breakfast around 10 am until about 1 pm when I decided to take a amiodarone tablet...... in 45 mins, all went back to normal but I was pretty tired, felt like I'd ran 5 miles.

Will schedule and talk to EP cardio doc next week, I want to know how long he plans on keeping me on this stuff and what EXACTLY do I have wrong with my rythmn or rate.

Until then Im taking all my meds... which isnt much after a CABGx6 and a mitral valve rework..... amiodarone once per day, lipitor at night bumex (diuretic) when necessary. Thats it.

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In fact after the final "tweaks" of my pacemaker programming at the one year check up it is working so well that I forget I have it.