3rd Implantation

  • by RMR
  • 2010-09-18 12:09:22
  • ICDs

Hi everyone! I was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy last 2009. I just had my ICD replaced for the 3rd time since then. The reason was that with the 2 previous icd's, the batteries got depleted after firing continuously ( > 20 shocks each!). The manufacturer's impressions were CRT-D Malfunction. They really gave me much fear that I have tried my best to get out of the trauma for 4 months. Now with this 3rd one, I requested that maybe it's okay to turn off the icd and my doctor agreed. She said my EF is now 40 from a previous 25 and hopes that everything continues to get better.
So now, I'm just being paced and hoping when it would be possible to live again without this inside me.
I also hope to hear any advice from you.


ICD turned off

by sherida - 2010-09-18 06:09:57

Dear RMR,
Sometimes the best decision is to turn off the ICD. Especially when CRT seems to be effective and living your life without the fear of being shocked, would feel a lot better!
Getting rid of the whole thing won't be possible: when stopping CRT, symptoms will return and worsen. So living without that CRT-system won't do any good.
I think you and your doctor made a wise decision!
All the best!!


by RMR - 2010-11-18 11:11:06

for your comment and advice! I think we did the right decision since Im active again and enjoying everyday like my prePM days. I wish the same for all!

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Just because you have a device doesn't mean you are damaged goods and can't do anything worthwhile and have to lie down and die. In fact, you're better and stronger. You're bionic!