Pacemaker fitted next Tuesday

Hi im due to have a ICD fitted on Aug 3rd i just wondered if it is routine and nothing to worry about as they say it is? My job involves a lot if lifting so wondering when it will be safe to go back to work?
Thanks Sharon


See Pookie's guide....

by andyuk - 2010-07-25 05:07:32

Hi Sharon,
I would refer you to Pookie's excellent guide for newbies posted 2010:07:25. If you look in "Recent Messages" you will see it.
It is natural to be concerned prior to fitting, but I had my PM fitted 24th June and feel great, so try not to worry. Just follow your cardiologist's guidance regarding lifting, arm movement, driving, etc so as not to jeapordise his/her good work (i.e. by displacing leads shortly after fitting and before they become established in the veins and heart).
I was awake for the op and just had a local anaesthetic (injections); I was relaxed and there was no discomfort. You may get a little soreness at the PM site for a few days, but in my experience very little, e.g. I slept well each night (lying on "good" side or on my back for first few nights)
Hope it all goes well for you and I'm sure you'll be fine.


by LS - 2010-07-25 07:07:45

Sending you speedy recovery wishes!!
I'd ask your Dr. about the lifting. It always seems to be just a bit different for everyone.

lifting limit

by curly - 2010-07-28 10:07:57

hi i hope your surgery goes well. i was given a lifting limit of 35 lbs.the doctor does not want me to pull out the lead wires. i am very careful when i lift anything. ask your doctor what your limitations will be. again i say good luck. yours truly curly

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