Pain in shoulder

I had my first pacemaker implanted approximately 2 weeks ago. I was doing great with my recovery and then a few days ago I started to get pain in my shoulder. It never hurts at night or when my arm is not moving, but as soon as I move it it feels like a fire in my shoulder. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be concerned?


similar pain but also in neck and arm

by COBradyBunch - 2010-07-26 02:07:15

although mine hurt all the time. Was finally knocked down by antibiotics.

One other thing, make sure you are moving the shoulder (but not above your head). You don't want to have 'frozen shoulder' either which could also be a problem.

Shoulder Pain

by Blue - 2010-07-26 05:07:18

My pm was replaced last week. My first pm was in September 2004. I have suffered from shoulder pain since that date. All investigations come back to the fall back answer: Arthritis. this week, since my second implant, my shoulder feels like it is on fire. the sensation goes down the back of the centre of my shoulder blade. Warmth helps it and a nonsteroid arthritic type medication which I can only take for a three day max due to gastric problems. I feel like I fell off the oerating table onto my left shoulder!!!!

Shoulder pain

by Settingthepace2 - 2010-07-27 07:07:16

I had the same thing, it was an infection in the incision area that migrated to the whole area, my breast, shoulder, every where. I was put on 20 days of antibiotic and I am doing great now.! Please have it checked, don't wait to long. At least call the office.
Oh, I also had a bit of pus coming from the redden site too.

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