How Long Should Pain Last

I just had my surgery 4 days ago. I notice that when I stand or sit or lay a certain way I have pain. Is the from the tenderness and the weight of the device? It also itches like crazy. How long should I expect this pain to last? I hate laying down all the time but that's the only way to get rid of it.


Thank You

by Mindwrker - 2010-07-27 02:07:00

I really appreciate your quick response. I've been sleeping on my right side some just because it doesn't seem to hurt as much. I was a left side sleeper so it's really hard not to roll over.I had the pm and defib 2 wire also. I can't believe one of the docs told me I could have the surgery on Thursday and go back to work ( a desk job) on Monday! Maybe if I was 30 years younger! I'm glad I happened on this site.
Thanks again!

How Long Should Pain last

by ldinkins - 2010-07-27 02:07:35

My surgery was 3 weeks ago for pm & defib/2 wire.
I had the same question you have, but I just gave it time & the itch & swelling went away & now the slight pain is gone. I really don't notice it's there during the day. It did take some time to get used to sleeping on my back for the first 2 weeks, but I'm now sleeping on my right side & all is good.

Time ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-07-27 03:07:34

Each and every PM member is different in the healing and recovery from a PM implant. Time is your Friend.

Let your body take its time and heal your new 'energizer bunny" stitches and area. This new lil' device is a foreign 'thingee' to your body and some people take a little longer to adjust.

I sleep on my left side normally, never on my back and it was about two weeks before I could move to my left side at night. A couple of months went by before I started to 'forget' I has a PM at all! My 'energizer' bunny has become part of my body, just like my right arm.

Just listen to your own body and keep in touch with your Dr. and you will be fine. Of course, all of your Friends at this PM site will and can help you with almost any question(s) you might have.

Please keep us updated on your progress, Mindwrker.

Have a Great Week,
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ~ Life Is Wonderful ~ Smile ~

It will get better

by SaraTB - 2010-07-27 04:07:41

I know when I had my initial implant, it was uncomfortable to lie on that side for a couple of weeks, until the swelling went down: bear in mind that there's a certain amount of bruising and swelling from the creation of the pocket. When you move in certain ways, the PM will press on these bruises. Once they heal up it should get more comfortable (at least that was my experience). I tended to find it was still not completely comfortable to lie on my left side, because I'm small and the PM would tend to stick out a bit. My second PM is a bit smaller, and anchored to the muscle tissue underneath which has made it SO much better!

The scar is itchy, but I found that putting Mederma, or the CVS equivalent, Scar Gel, helped very much.

Hope you feel more comfortable very soon.

pain still after 8 weeks

by pedrn01 - 2010-07-27 07:07:06

I had my implanted 8 weeks ago I have been able to sleep on my left for the past 2 weeks. The site still hurts when I touch it or anything touches it. It's very annoying I thought it would be totally healed by now.

Pain versus sore

by Pookie - 2010-07-28 11:07:05

There is a huge difference in my opinion and if I were still in pain, I would be contacting my doctor asap.

Pain is the only way for our bodies to tell us something isn't right.

Take care,

Buzzing in your head?

by Mindwrker - 2010-07-29 11:07:07

Has anyone ended up with a woozy head and a buzzing when you turn your head too fast? It feels like when I was getting off Effexor. I also have a heaviness in my chest and hard to breathe but I'm taking my Lasix. This just started yesterday, surgery was 6 days ago. No pain other than normal soreness.

Itchy from iodine solution

by jcb00063 - 2010-08-21 05:08:40

I had my pm/2wire implanted 4 days ago and now the only issue I have is that my skin is has raised welts from the shoulder to the armpit and they are VERY itchy. I think it might be an allergic reaction to the iodine solution which is quite sticky. I got most of it off with a packet they gave me at the hospital (called 3M Remover). I'm going to check at a pharmacy to see if I can get some more to finish the job.

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