Sotalol question

Thanks to all who post encouraging messages for us. Last Thursday was my pacemaker day and so far so good. My question is regarding a prescribed 2x day pill called sotalor or BetaPace. The precaution on Mayo page says:
Sick sinus syndrome (heart rhythm problem)—Use with caution. May make this condition worse. The cardiologist called my condition sick sinus so now I'd like to hear from others using this pill. I also take an aspirin a day. The pill I took for HBP was stopped. My sleep apnea numbers are WAY better since Thursday, praise the Lord. Again, thanks to all.


I was on Sotalol

by biker72 - 2010-07-27 04:07:19

In my case. two weeks after the pacemaker was implaned I was taken off Sotalol.

I'm on it also

by nat36 - 2010-07-27 07:07:33

I started it a few months ago and it took me a few weeks to get used to it and start feeling better but since then things have improved. I also have sss with a pacemaker. I think like Tracey said that is just for low heart rate but we are covered:)

Tenormin to Betapace

by donb - 2010-07-27 10:07:40

I've been on Tenormin with 3 PMs' the past 17years. In the past year with my 4th PM I was put on 80 mg Betapace twice a day. The reason for the change in medication was I started having Atrial-Fib which was corrected with Betapace. I did have to lower my dosage a few months ago as it lowered my BP too much with dizziness. I take 80 mg mornings and 40Mg at bedtime which has been good. I have 1st -2nd degree electrical block with SSS. donb

I'm on Sotalol

by Bionic Man - 2010-07-27 11:07:00

Hi Jaykay,
I've been on Sotalol for a little over a year and a half. I take 120mg twice daily. I also have SSS. I haven't had any problems taking it but I've heard of others who took a while to get used to it. When I was first prescribed it I had to take it in the hospital and stay for three days for observation in case I had any problems. I do feel better since taking it but my crazy heart beats haven't gone away. I'm still dealing with tachycardia. Although some days I don't even feel it. I certainly feel much better taking it and I noticed an improvement after a couple of weeks.


by Tracey_E - 2010-07-27 12:07:48

The meds will slow down your hr, so if you have a condition that already gives you a slow hr, the meds on top of it can make it dangerous. You have a pacemaker so your hr will never get dangerously low and the warning does not apply to you.

Glad to hear you're doing well!


by hopeing2 - 2013-01-22 07:01:05

Betapace has a long list of drug interractions-over 900 so please get the list from never eat or drink Grapefruit, Pomegranate and in my case even 1 cup of coffee will send me into a-fib. The drug also causes false lipid levels according to my doctors.

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