stun batton

I would like to use a stun baton for personal protection. Any thoughts on using it with a PM?


I wouldn't

by Okiecrat - 2012-12-16 01:12:30

Most therapeutic devices are supposed to be able to stand up to these things but having worked with electronics and computers extensively, I have to tell you that there is always a chance that a high voltage discharge could either scramble some of the programming or damage even one component in the device circuitry.


by Tracey_E - 2012-12-16 01:12:55

I have a personal taser.

And it's safe for us to be tased, though it's not recommended, obviously. A pm can withstand the jolt.

Why a stun baton?

by TLR - 2012-12-16 07:12:42

There a hundreds of alternative, and more effective, means of self-defence than a stun baton. Just bear in mind that although you'll never mean to drive stun yourself with it, if you end up against a guy with half an ounce of any form of training you'll be getting wailed with your own weapon. In which case would you be worried most about your device or the continuity of your skull?

Use it

by PacerRep - 2012-12-17 02:12:40

If your in a situation where you need to use that, the benefits outweigh the risks. If your not pacemaker dependent you most likely won't even notice any interference

Another option

by Okiecrat - 2012-12-26 10:12:17

A really effective self defense option can be legally carried under the seat of your car in any state and municipality. That is a good old fashioned road flare, preferably one with the stake on the back end that you can hold on to. This wicked weapon will back off anyone armed with anything other than a gun.

You don't even have to let them get close enough to poke them with the flare. You can flick the burning stuff several yards all over an attacker.

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Your pacemaker interferes with your electronic scale.

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Yesterday was my first day mountain biking after my implant. I wiped out several times and everything is fine. There are sports after pacemakers!