When can I mow my lawn safely?

Hi All: New PM guy here 4 days out of surgery and recovering.

Stitches out next week, feeling better daily.

I cut my own grass and do my own yard work @ 68 years. I have a self propelled power gas mower that I use for my yard work to cut the grass.

Based on others recovery experience, how long before I can mow my grass safely without screwing up my PM implant?

Would appreciate any advice any lessons learned from the PM Pro's and best practice norms. JEM @ Myrtle Beach, SC/ TKS!


6 weeks

by mike thurston - 2010-07-31 02:07:26

I have always been told it takes about 6 weeks for the leads to settle in and tissue growth to secure them in a satisfactory manner. Error on the side of caution and take it easy for now. Keep your arm below shoulder height on the implant side. The grass will be there next year. Patience now pays dividends later. Dislodgeing a lead would set you back even more. Best wishes.

3 Days

by Island Girl - 2010-07-31 04:07:04

My brother had a pacemaker implanted on July 1 at age 68 years old. He mowed his huge lawn on July 4th. He has a self propelled mover. He might be a little nuts but had no problem. He golfed a week later. I would ask the doctor first and see what he has to say.

When can I mow my lawn safely?

by ladislaver - 2010-07-31 10:07:57

Doctor is the best source of info on this. Logic would dictate to avoid any activity that causes you whole body to vibrate, which would be lawnmower. There is another thing, I would use PM excuse to let someone else, maybe son, to do the yard work.

Everyone is different

by biker72 - 2010-07-31 12:07:23

I rode my bike the same day I got out of the hospital and was back at work the following day. The EP told me "No contact sports" but everything else is OK.

I would not recommend this for everyone.
I'd wait a couple of weeks and let your incision heal to be on the safe side..

Yard work

by Bill T - 2010-07-31 12:07:34

JEM, I had my 4-week check up yesterday and the doc said I was good to go on whatever I felt like doing. Yard work, gym exercises, etc. I'm not much on exercising (LOL) but have been walking a mile or so 2-4 times a week. Hope your recovery is as smooth as mine had been.

Bill T

Ask your doctor

by cruz - 2010-08-02 09:08:35

Seriously, you need to ask your doctor unless you are willing to risk having to have the procedure re-done because one of the leads has been pulled or jolted loose. No one on here can tell you what type of activity can be done at what point in your recovery better than the doctor. I was told about weight limitations, driving a car, pulling, stretching, etc. I'm sure that there are activites that some did and were lucky enough to not have pulled a lead loose, but you might be taking a big chance. Call your doctor's office and talk to the doctor or the nurse. You should have been given instructions at dismissal from the hospital after the procedure. If the instructions said to "avoid" certain things, you should not do them.

Im like some others up there

by walkerd - 2010-08-03 07:08:59

check with your doctor. Doing some activities at the short time noted above is just asking for trouble. You are given paper work when dismissed from hospital that should have some things on what and when you can do it. I for one did not push it unless I asked my doctor first, I dont like to go under the knife let alone asking for it. My two cents worth. I was careful and did what I was told to do unlike some people who like to live on the edge.....


My doc says 1 month

by jcb00063 - 2010-08-21 05:08:10

I had my pm put in 4 days ago and I have specific instructions to NOT mow the lawn for 30 days. Also, no weight lifting over 10 lbs, no immersion in pool or hot tub.

3 weeks out from implant...weak spell

by Splash - 2016-05-11 05:05:03

3 weeks after implant, I had a 45 min. long weak spell like I used to get before my PM. The device showed no episode and I haven't had another since...is this normal?

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