Hi all,
Pacemaker was inserted on the 27th August, it is switched on at rate of 60 but will not work until I have had AV /node ablation 6 weeks after which is the 22nd Oct.

I have suffered from IST for the past 7 years which has got worse over time leaving my heart rate at 130 at rest and over 200 on exercising.

I am having AV Node ablation as last resort with pacemaker as nothing medication wise seems to help me!

When I have the ablation will I feel the pacemaker taking over my heartbeat? I have been told I will pace at 100% so a little scared!



not likely

by Tracey_E - 2010-09-14 08:09:56

There are a very few who say they can feel the pm kick in but the vast majority never feel it. I've been 100% paced since 1993 and never feel a thing. The pulse it makes is very small, simply mimicking what our heart should be doing on its own. Good luck!


by Gellia3 - 2010-09-14 09:09:24

I second what TraceyE says. On occasion I will feel my PM irritating a muscle, but I have very old wires and they are unipolar. They use bipolar ones now.

My first PM was back in 1975 and a single wire. My first dual chamber was the very first dual prototype inserted back in early 1982. That's why I have old unipolar wires. I'm still using them today.

I also pace 100%, and have since the first one in 1975.

My very best of wishes to you and I hope you will come back here and share your story with us.


for me

by sam78 - 2010-09-15 01:09:44

Same problems here.. when I first got my pacemaker I was extremely touchy with my pacemaker.. I felt like I could feel every beat... however with time I have totally gotten use to it and while I am 100% paced I would have no idea that I was because I dont feel a thing when it comes to pacing unless something is out of sort.

You know you're wired when...

You know the difference between hardware and software.

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