
I am 33 and had a PM installed 4 weeks ago. I have a PM b/c I had heart block and my heart rate was 35. I never had any symptoms whatsoever, it was just picked up when my local GP took my blood pressure and saw that my pulse rate was low. Thoughts that go through my mind now are, what did I do to cause this, I am fit, active, eat well, but I believe it must have to do with the stress and high demands of my job (finance consultant). What other causes could there be??, maybe resting the laptop on my chest whilst in bed?
Feelings of vulnerability, and low self esteem at such a young age. I feel my life has lost direction, and lack the confidence to return to professional life, and reconnect socially.
I played basketball at a senior level, will I ever be able to play at this level again, at the risk of getting a bump, elbow to the chest, I am not confident. I would love to hear from anyone



by albell - 2010-08-19 03:08:01

I forgot to answer your question, small veins being blocked have nothing to do with your stress or activity or your laptop.

It is something that happen to millions of people, probably nothing you could have done to prevent it.

want to chat to make your feel better, give me a shout.


So young, life is ahead for you

by albell - 2010-08-19 03:08:06

Unless your doctor has restricted your activities, many people with pacemakers lead a normal life other than having a bump on their chest.

My husband had to have a couple of stints put in his heart and then had PM/DF put in and his life has been normal for these last few years. He has not had to change any of his activities.

He recently had to have a new PM/DF put in because of a crack in one of the leads and the new pacemaker will increase his heart rate with the activity so he does not get out of breath. Cool, huh?

Get an okay from your doctor and go for it! This product is giving you an extension of your life, so don't let it go to waste.

God Bless

don't sweat it

by nelson - 2010-08-19 03:08:59

I had my first one at 40,3 more batteries and 1 set of leads. I f you have a good dr don't worry about it. I do anything ai want to, my husband had a fib and a slow heart rate, he passed out in church one sunday got a pace maker on monday and has never felt better in his life. he is 68, works on the farm from sunup til sundown. Don't think that having a pacemaker is going to hinder your life, it will probably make it better, please don't let this hold you back at your young age, live life to the fullest, when the time comes for a new one they will let you know know.you will be a little sore again but it will go away in a day or 2..

Been there...

by DC Pacer - 2010-08-19 05:08:31

dsofra, I was 35 (36 now) when I had my PM put in. It took me a good four months to "deal" with having it put in. There is absolutely no reason why you cannot resume your life in 99.9% percent of your former capacity unless you worked around high EMF equipment.

Good luck, this website is a great resource. There are many younger people on here who felt like I did, and feel like you do now. Don't give up hope that you will feel "normal" again; you will.

Still wish...

by turboz24 - 2010-08-19 06:08:37

I still wish that all EP's immediately recommended a sub-pectoral implant for anyone younger. I personally stay away from any activities that will run a higher risk of getting smacked on my ICD, not because I'm worried about damaging it, more that I know how much it hurts and worry about damaging the thin layer of skin over my implant.
I still suffer from what I guess you can call "implant induced low self esteem" 3 years after my implant, so you are not the only one who feels that way.

attitude in you is a reality

by ray - 2010-08-19 08:08:04

I was in the same boat as you only a lot older....62...I an fit, do not carry any spare tyre around the belly...do not smoke and basically never been sick....and 7 weeks ago....my wiring gave in ...my HR went down to 19 bpm. I went straight into 3rd stage complete heart bloke...the emerengy room guys in the hospital saved my life.....all well now and honestly...I love my PM.....the alternative did not excite me.
I look on it as a gift of life.....I embrace the second chance of living with my family. Not every one gets to hospital in time and they miss out on the benefits of the modern medical inventions. Look on the positives of what has happened to you.....do not dwell on the negatives......you will be able to do all the things that you used to do and now you know that your heart is ok.
Be thankful that you went to the doctor and he picked up the problem, and the situation has been fixed.
It is a wonderful outcome.
Attitude in you is a reality.....think positive and enjoy the opportunities that have been given to you....you are special....and you have recieved a wonderful gift.....It takes time to work thru the emotional side and you will have questions that you want answered....why me....and all the questions that this brings to mind....the folk here can help .....welcome to the club....


by Tracey_E - 2010-08-19 08:08:08

Since you didn't have symptoms, it's possible you were born with it. Heart block is something that only shows up if you happen to have an ekg when you are in block so without symptoms it can go undiagnosed for a lot of years. It can also be caused by infection or some medications, or sometimes it just happens and we never know why. It's an electrical short circuit, completely unrelated to how fit you are and how young you are. I was born with mine and got my first pm at 27. When we're young, our bodies can compensate and keep us symptom-free, but as we get past our 20's having a low hr takes its toll on our bodies and the pm is beneficial.

I'm 43 now and more healthy and active than ever. Most people don't even know I have it. I don't keep it a secret, but it doesn't affect my daily life at all so it just doesn't come up in conversation. It's a big shock to find out you aren't as healthy as you think you are but know that if we have to have a heart problem, electrical are the best kind to have because our hearts are generally structurally normal. And if you have an electrical problem, a block is the absolute easiest to fix. Our sinus nodes, nature's pacemaker, work perfectly normally, we just have a blocked signal so the ventricles never get the message to beat. The pm simply completes the broken circuit by telling the ventricles every time the atria beats and therefore keeping our hearts in sync.

Vent with us all you need, we've all been there. You'll find that you're about average age here! We have teens who got them as babies, people your age who got them as teens, people like me who got them at your age and have had them for years. If you have questions, please don't be shy about asking. For me, I can deal with anything if I can understand it.

Know that the emotional healing is often harder than the physical and what you're feeling is perfectly normal! Please don't let this affect your confidence or direction. You're still the same person you were, your heart is just beating more efficiently now with a little help. My heart problems are a part of who I am, but I've never let it define WHO I am. It's just a hunk of titanium, don't give it that much control over your life.

Same Age as you

by Beckes76 - 2010-08-19 11:08:06

I am 33 and I have had a PM since I was 7. I have done remarkably well with my PM. I was told NOT to play basketball. I think it was only because my PM was in my lower abdomen. I had it moved 5 years ago with my last PM. I feel where it is now I could play basketball if I wanted too. I do lead a regular life and only my friends know that I have a PM. Only tell a few selected outside of my friend circle that I have one. Unless pacemakers come up in conversation that I divulge that I have one. Since becoming a member of this fantastic club I have found others in the same situation as me and I have found it a relief that I can talk about having a PM without sounding odd. Good luck with everything. It will get better over time. Just hang in there. If you need any help just ask. We are here to help.


I was similar

by raden231 - 2010-08-19 11:08:52

I was 34 when I had my PM put in (a year ago). My dx is Sick Sinus Syndrome (SSS), which I probably had since I was very young. The only symptoms I had was a light headache every morning when I woke up. Of course my dr's blamed that on caffine withdraw. One day, about a year ago, I went to the ER for what I thought was a OTC drug interaction when they caught my heart rate at 36....they didn't let me go home after that. To make a long story short 3 days later I had a pacemaker.

I had similar concerns after my implantation and mild depression (I believe that is normal at any age but made worse by all of the videos about pm's being recipientsor actors that were 70 or older....). It took most of a year to gain my confidence back and my physical activity. I played basketball after 4 months and just finished running 2 miles an hour ago.

Of course always check with you doc first about the physical activity, but I am starting to see myself getting back to "normal." Seek help if you need it, talking to people (online or in person) helped me. This forum helped me alot too.

Good luck!


Me too!

by Genie - 2010-08-20 02:08:00

I had my PM put in in March, and I'm 31. For three months, I felt awful. I spent a lot of time crying into my laptop whilst the great people on this site kept me going. I was a real mess.

Now I hardly think about the PM. You are going to get there. Everyone is right: the emotional healing is the hardest. Give yourself some time, don't worry, and soon youll find that the good days start to outnumber the bad.

And on the bad days we are ALWAYS here. You're not alone - you've just made a whole new group of friends, and we are WONDERFUL!!!

Take care,



by Skyking - 2010-08-20 10:08:40

I had the wake up call about 2 months ago too....6XCABG and PM/DFIB....2 weeks in hospital allowed me (forced me) to figure out what was important in my life and what wasnt anymore..... did some housecleaning mentally and I am now making changes that should make the next part of my life the best it can be for me and my family

You'll be fine.

Hint: New plan for me does NOT involve making more money, just more smiles and less wrinkles on my forhead

You know you're wired when...

You can finally prove that you have a heart.

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I am very lucky to have my device.