Can I do bicep curls with a pm?

I am a 33yr active male with a pm since august 2010, due to an av block 3rd degree.

I am working out 2-3 times a week and have been wondering whether I can do bicep curls without risking to damage my leads? my doctor said bench presses and dips are fine, but no pull ups, no rowing machines and similar. I guess biceps is not something "similar" or is it?

PS: I know there's quite a few threads on weightlifting in here, but I couldn't find an answer.



by biceps72 - 2011-07-05 07:07:17

according to my cardiologist I could have done biceps curls after 2 weeks post PM implant but no elbow above shoulder until 4 weeks. After 6 weeks all weight lifting exercises are ok at least according to my cardio,

I love weight lifting but am waiting the full 6 weeks before I gradually work my way back into it. I think that 3-4 months after I start lifting i will be back strengthwise to where I was pre PM implant. I am in no hurry but barring anything else happening I will be back!!

6 weeks post implant is the "usual answer" for weight lifting. Good luck!!

Ask your doc

by COBradyBunch - 2011-07-12 01:07:57

But mine survived getting it by an SUV cycling and separating both shoulders...

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