Loud music and speaking overa microphone

Does loud music and speaking over a microphone system interfere with pace maker and what is the interference. How much damage does it do to the pacemaker patient, or what side effects if any will there be if around the above. For instance in church.


think you'll be fine

by Hot Heart - 2010-08-22 04:08:23

I go to rock concerts and wow some of those speakers are immense. The golden rule is, if you feel funny move away,


Microphones & Speakers

by SMITTY - 2010-08-22 07:08:55

Hello KTEAL,

A microphone should not interfere with your a pacemaker. As for the loud speaks, they probably will not interfere either, but I can't give that an absolute no.

Speaker have magnets and the bigger the speaker the bigger the magnet is likely to be. So if you get too close, I'm guessing less than 2 feet, the magnets can interrupt the function of your pacemaker. If it does it will feel like a skipped beat, or more precisely, like you feel when you have a pacemaker checkup and they place the magnet over your pacemaker. If this does happen, move away from the speakers and your pacemaker will return to normal operation in a few seconds and no harm will be done to you or the pacemaker.

There is another possibility from the speakers if your rate response is on. The rate response uses an accelerometer to detect body motion and increase your heart rate. Vibration from the speakers can fool the accelerometer and cause it to increase your heart rate. If the faster heart rate does not bother you no problem. If it does move several feet away from the speakers, maybe such as 20 to 25 feet and give your heart rate a couple of minutes to slow down. Again, no harm to you or the pacemaker.

If you don't you don't know if your rate response is on, you can ask the doctor or you can try the method I have used. Check your pulse or heart rate and then gently tap or slap your chest 3 or 4 inches below the pacemaker site for 15 to 30 seconds. If the rate response is on your heart rate should increase. Since this is not a fool proof method for checking the RR and you are uncertain ask the doctor.

Good luck,



by dward - 2010-08-22 07:08:59

I am around both... often.

Unless you are hugging the speaker itself (not the person speaking, but the actual speaker, har har) you should be fine.

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