Sleep Patterns

My 5 Year old son just recently had a triple lead pacemaker implanted. I am having serious problems with getting him to go to sleep. On average he his up for about 14hrs a day with no nap in between. if anyone can provide me with any information it would be greatly appreciated. THANKS


ask the dr

by Tracey_E - 2010-08-25 02:08:11

How long since surgery? Wondering if he's still uncomfortable and that's why he's not sleeping. We start to feel better overall long before it gets comfortable to sleep in any position. Poor kid! I hope it gets better soon.

Is he tired and/or cranky during the day? If not, maybe he's just adjusting and needs less sleep now that his heart is beating more efficiently. I know my kids quit napping by 5, can't remember how many hours they slept a night at that age but I'm thinking 10-11.


by LS - 2010-08-25 03:08:47

My 2 oldest grandaughters (6) are both awake non stop from about 7 AM until 10 PM.(later on weekends) LOL No naps, haven't for a couple years.
I don't know any 5 year olds that nap, but that's just me. LOL Even my 4 year old grands don't.
I know for me after I got my PM I sure didn't sleep.
Hard to get comfy. Maybe he feels so much better with it that he has more energy?


by photographerrn - 2010-08-26 01:08:21

I received my pacemaker in July, and I've had trouble sleeping also. My doc explained to me that my body is used to running on a low HR, and now that it is higher (by 30 beats), it is harder for my body to adjust and wind down. He said if it continues, he will adjust my nightime rate, but he thinks I just need more adjustment time.


by Blue - 2010-08-26 02:08:40

When I got my pm I just could not sleep. finally it was adjusted to a lower rate. I can remember my brain would just not switch off.

Maybe you son's pm needs adjusting again. Perhaps you could make an appt to see the tech or sp and discuss this with him/her. Hope you get things worked out.

5 hours

by Duke60 - 2010-08-26 08:08:03

All my life I never sleep more then 5 hours a night.
When a person is tired they will sleep.
Plus he is only 5 and I am sure this upset his little life and mind.


by Tracey_E - 2010-08-26 08:08:09

Sudden changes in my kids get my attention too! But if his dr isn't worried and Michael is not cranky and generally acting like he needs more sleep, I'd tend to say something about his heart was making him sleep too much and now what he's doing what would have been normal for him all along.

Some people do have trouble sleeping until they get used to a higher heart rate. For me, I slept constantly before I got my pm, was always exhausted. Once I got it, I felt energized and I wasn't overly tired anymore.

a little more info.....

by CConnors - 2010-08-26 12:08:54

Michael had his PM implanted in mid april. What concerns me is that when I go to put him to bed he does not want to go and is bright eyed as if he just woke up not long before hand. I had no problems with his sleep until we went in for a "little tinkering" 3 weeks ago. This is when the no sleep started. I understand that kids stop napping around this age. But I am worried that it has happened to abruptly.

Thank You for the Feedback.

Causes changes for sleep

by cruz - 2010-08-27 01:08:33

Most of us have experienced changes in our sleeping after a PM or Bi-vent. It doesn't matter what my day has been like or wht time I go to bed, I'm awake after 5 hours sleep. I had the implant done in February. Prior to that I slept 7-8 hours. I can't explain why, I just know that I will be sleepy, watching TV and get up to get into bed and I'm suddenly wide awake. Once I get to sleep, it will be 5 hours and I'll be awake. Might be the meds or anesthitc, or settings, but fi he gets sleepy, he'll fall asleep.

Sleep mode?

by Heidiglassmeyer - 2010-08-30 01:08:59

I am not sure what kind of PM he has but I had a problem going to sleep after my pm until I told my doctor and he turned on the sleep mode. I have it set at 10 pm to lower my hr and then increase at 5 am. I don't have a problem falling asleep now and have no problem sleeping past 5 am if sleeping in :)

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