

I'm 45 yrs old and had a pacemaker fitted 8 months ago, I am still in shock that I had one fitted, a non smoker, don't drink, in BMI range and keep myself fit as I have 3 children. still can't get my head around why me!! but anyway I would like to go abroad this yr does anyone know what insurance I should take out?

thank you


Why Me?

by donr - 2011-01-23 07:01:35

Gerry: Job faced a worse situation than a mere PM implant. His family was partially killed; he lost everything.

You, like me, are extremely lucky - we can have our ills - or most of them - fixed by a dumb box of sand stuck in our chests.

You need to see the Drill Sergeant turned psychiatrist who does the Geico ads for some tough love .

The harassment over - why do you have yours? Has it sorted out the immediate problem? Hope so. Please don't tell me that it has changed your life style & cramped what you do. You cannot let it do that. You must live for your family - at least another 55 yrs & 5 more PM's.

Can't tell you about insurance. But - find out where in the country you are going to that they support your make & model PM. The Mfgr can tell you. Just knowing that will solve most anxiety about the trip. When you get there, case the joint & learn its location. Too late to do that when you have trouble.

You might want to look into insurance that brings you back to the USA in a medical emergency. These things are pretty reliable, but it appears you have yet to gain confidence in yours.

It has to keep up w/ your heart - one of the most robust, reliable , predictable mechanical devices around. Stop & think - at a pulse of 60 BPM it beats about 3 million times per month. Month in & month out. Even if it isn't beating as regularly as it should.

Enjoy your trip.

I've been a PM host since 2003 - 8 yrs in Feb. Other than that little sucker itching like mad when I sweat, don't even know it's there any longer.


It will get better

by janetinak - 2011-01-23 09:01:38

takes some getting used to but as you feel better it should be more natural. Had mine since 2000 & have Afib so makes life much better. Don't know why I got Afib as except for being over weight all my life (& still) didn't do any smoking or anything. Oh well. Now I hear that "they" are thinking that a lot of this stuff is genetic. Can't do anything about that.

Have no info on insurance for you. But sure some others will respond.

Good luck,


Hang in there

by vjones - 2011-01-23 10:01:32

I was diagnosed with Bradycardia at 41 - same health profile, exerciser (life long), never a smoker, healthy weight range, eat right, busy mom, rolling along in the fatigue of it all. Just went in for a referal for a mamogram and WAM! Heartrate was ridiculously low. While exercising it responded beautifully to deliver but my resting HR was not cutting it. Was in shock but knew that I was exhausted, very hard to wake up in the mornings. Got the PM after 6 months. Seems like I was so aware of the thing for several months but that really seemed to settle down - so glad to have more energy. On your question, I spent 2 weeks in Ireland a couple of years ago and am planning a trip to a more remote location in Scotland this summer. My personality lends itself to planning for everything (and I am not a financial risk taker) Seems like I checked with my Health Insurance company and felt very comfortable with the way things would work for me if I had an emergency while in Europe.
Just think of how much earlier we might have needed the PM if we had not taken care of ourselves - that it how I made peace with the disappointment - helped me to think of it this way.

electrical problems

by Tracey_E - 2011-01-24 07:01:30

Most of us here have electrical problems, which just happen. Plumbing problem, clogged arteries, can be prevented by taking care of yourself. Electrical problems just happen and are unrelated to our level of fitness. I'm your age, but I'm on my 4th pm now :o) Acceptance comes with time, don't beat yourself up if it takes some time to wrap your head around it. Focusing on how good you feel and how much you can do may help.

I've never bothered with travel insurance but I know a lot of people do.


by Edouard - 2011-01-24 10:01:47

Hi Gerry
We both got our PMs at about the same time. I had my surgery at the end of May and on July 21, my wife and I were boarding a plane to start a two-week cruise in the Baltic. Because we're both over 55, we had decided, before my little incident, to take travel insurance. It was a standard travel policy available in Canada: trip cancellation and/or interruption, lost baggage, health coverage, repatriation etc.
Insurance policies vary from country to country, but I'm sure that comparable products exist in most countries.
You may have to pay a little extra or face an exclusion because of your condition.
Good luck and regards

thank u :)

by gerry07 - 2011-01-24 12:01:07

I can't believe how many people out there in the same boat as me. thank u. I felt I was the only one in this postion. I live in cheltenham, UK, if there is anyone around this area with a PM please get in contact.

Again thanks for everyone for their comments

Gerry x

You know you're wired when...

You can finally prove that you have a heart.

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