
I just had a ICD implanted a couple of days ago. From what I've read, all the leads start from the actual pacemaker itself, which resides in my left should area. Why then is there a incision on my left groin too? (I was so caught up in the drama of the procedure I didn't have a chance to ask!)

Also, my left shoulder still remains just about as tender as it did the day of my procedure. Shouldn't it be feeling better by now?




by Tracey_E - 2010-10-04 04:10:06

Everyone heals at a different rate but most find the majority of the soreness goes away after the first week or two. B

They usually go in through the groin with a heart catheter- to ablate a problem area, do an ep study, or just to see how clear the arteries are. It's not part of an icd implant, but sometimes it's done first for diagnostic reasons.

Welcome to the club! We're happy to have you. Don't be shy if you have more questions.

Hello Alan!

by pupu - 2010-10-05 11:10:28

Another possibility is a temporary pacemaker. I had one put in to make it through the actual implantation safely and then it was removed just as soon the 'real' one was in place.
Hope you feel better soon!

Howdy Allan

by TracyN - 2010-10-12 11:10:49

Unforanately I am on # 4 device in 21 yrs. Got my first one at age 27. It does not get easier with each one. Each person and time you have the device implanted it will heal differently. Make sure you do not do any heavy lifting or take a bath before the wound is completely healed. The area will remain sore for some weeks and lifting and sleeping on the area will increase this. As a patient and a cardiac nurse I have seen and experienced many complications from pacers. As long as you follow the Drs. orders things should go well. If you notice, redness that increase, warmth, fever, drainage,new bruising, open areas not healing please see you Dr. The pain will decrease with time. You have to remember that you now have a foriegn object that is resting on the muscle and the skin is being stretched to fit the device. Kinda like a pimple, your body will get used to it. It will still cause pain if you bump it even yrs from now. If you have any question please ask, and better yet ask many, many question from your Dr & his nurses. Some Drs forget that there is a person attatched to the device. I stick up for my patients daily as they are afraid to ask questions.....

Hi Allen

by makeuwell - 2010-10-16 12:10:07

I just had my ICD placed last week. I am just starting to fell more myself. I still have some tenderness but much improved from surgery day. I remember wondering the same thing on day 2. The biggest thing I was told was to continue to use my arm as much as possible, just DONT raise it over my head, so that the muscles don't get really weak. I wish you the best and have found this site to be very helpful and supportive. Stacy 40 y.o.

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