Articles to read

Hi all,

I need to read more about pacemaker and what it supposed to do.

My heart used to perform well when I am active and I do have problems and complications now 7 months after operation.

I need to know what is the normal pulse for example when lifting a box or going up the stairs as my performance with such activities is much worse than before the operation.

I still have swelling in my hand which I didn't use to have and BP associated with activities such as going up stairs which affected my eyesight.

I need to read to be able to discuss what is right for me with the pacemaker clink and the doctor.


What it is supposed to do

by ElectricFrank - 2010-11-21 08:11:47

A pacemaker is used to wire around or support some aspect of your heart that has a problem. Each type of problem has its own needs and the pacemaker is programmed for them. There isn't any "right" HR for various types of activities. Again it depends on your own physiology. Ideally, though the pacer will return you to your own natural response.

From your description it sounds like your pacer needs some adjustment.


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