Has anyones PM Defib. popped out of the skin? The Doctor has suggested needing to move it over, I just don't want to go through the procedure again. It was implanted in Jan. I have breast implants that prevent the ICD from dropping where most do. I also have a sternum that is collapsing from radiation treatments from years ago. I'm thin so it really is obvious that I have the PM. I have long QT and had extreme tachycardia. I just am afraid that the devise may pop out and if that did happen what happens then?


no but

by Tracey_E - 2010-09-07 04:09:03

They don't just pop out but it is possible they can start to erode and the skin thins. Just keep an eye on the scar. If you see any signs that it's worsening, any bruising or oozing, get it looked at immediately.

If they move it, are they planning to use the same pocket but just put it in deeper? That's how they do it when they can. It is nothing compared to the first surgery! They go in the same place and simply revise the pocket. Most of the restrictions after the first time were due to the new leads, so you won't have that again.


by Lynnell - 2010-09-08 07:09:32

Thanks for your comments. If they do take it out it would be to move it over about an inch, I don't know if that means they would use the same pocket or not.
Crazy story abou the man whose PM did come out. Thank you!

can icd pop out

by christine1 - 2011-05-24 09:05:50

I would be interested to hear if anyones device had popped through the skin and what they do if this happens ...I have an icd and one of my older scars has devolped thinnner skin and what can only be described as a kind of blisterish appearance .I have been told its keloid but since then I have had spots of serous fluid from the site...I dont think it is infected and have anti biotics at the min and an appointment for thursday but have become a little panicky about the whole thing . This is my 5th device and I have never had any bother before but with this one I can feel a corner close to the surface where the irritation is .Des anyone know if its possible to move devive over about an inch or would it be resite .Its a Bi vent ...

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