AV Node Ablasion

I have chronic a-fib, I have taken every med. I'm am on Tikosyn, it's not working. The next step is an AV Node Ablasion. Is there anyone out there that has had this done. I am a male, 58 years old and would like some feedback on this procedure.


av node ablation

by dottodot - 2010-09-26 02:09:01

Why are they talking about this instead of pulmonary vein ablation (or sometimes called a complex ablation). They can do a lot of procedures before going to av node ablation because all that does is leave you in a fib forever but not symptomatic. This is a question to ask at least for someone in your age group. For a number of years av node ablation was the only choice but there's a lot more technology out there today.

to dottodot

by ksig - 2010-09-26 02:09:34

I had four ablations performed before I had the AVJ. I still had AFib and high atrial rates. The AVJ was my only way out. I am not in permanent AFib. In fact, I am in AFib only 5 % of the time. The rest of the time in am in NSR. So you see, an AVJ does not mean that you remain in AFib... quite the contrary.

AVJ ablation

by ksig - 2010-09-26 02:09:56

Yes, sammus, I have had the AV node ablated. I toiled over the decision for several months as I suffered from frequent bouts of AFib. After doing lots of research, I decided to go ahead with the procedure. It was done 18 months ago and I have not regretted it... ever. I already had a pacer but was still experiencing uncontrollable atrial rates. Meds did not work. I, too, was on Tikosyn at the time (I was on it for 9 mo). I refused to take amiodarone so my only option was the AVJ.

The procedure was quick...only about 45 min. I spent about 4 hrs in post op and then I went home feeling great. Since I already had a pacer, I did not have to go through that part.

If you have to have a pacer implanted, you will probably stay an additional day in the hospital where they can adjust the pacer if need be before they send you home. You are told not to raise your arm on the side of the pacer for about 10-14 days so that the lead(s) can take hold. The pain is relative. I really had no discomfort in the initial procedure. I had my pacer replaced in May of this year and that was a total snap. Because I am pacer dependent, I was a bit nervous. The change out procedure was a real snap... I was in the hospital for 6 hours total and was awake for the entire time.

I am able to go to the gym, sail a 36 ft boat on the San Francisco Bay, travel etc with little difficulty. I still have lots of AFib... some events lasting 8-10 hrs BUT I CAN'T FEEL IT! I am on diltiazem XR and atenolol as well as coumadin. I am so relieved to be back to my regular life. I really don't care if I have AFib now. I am not suffering the ugly side effects any longer. BTW, I have a Medtronic Adapta pacer.

I would do this procedure again in a heartbeat. I wish you well as you make your decision.

AV ablation

by sugar - 2010-09-26 07:09:07

I had the ablation done very close to my natural pacemaker - this was in 1995 and I was able to get 15 yrs. from this procedure and it eventually ended up with AV node damage so then the pacemaker went in - medtronics dual line. It all stinks but we do well with what we all have and it is better than the alternatives.
Be well and know all your options from several heart specialists.

AV node ablation

by janetinak - 2010-09-26 10:09:56

If you go to the "seach" on the upper left & put in this subject you'll get a lot of responses, including mine. I did the meds for two yrs & the abalation in 2000 (only option at the time) & had a PM put in too. Been great since, actually had to be done twice but OK now & just finishing 7.5 yrs on PM # two, Got 6 month left on # 2 & I am getting another PM. Not aware of Afib & only take Coumadin now.

Good luck,


Ablation/PM Implant ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-09-26 11:09:08

I had Afib for years & did not know what the 'flutter' in my heart/chest was. I finally mentioned it to my GP at the time & he sent me straight to see a EP/Cardiologist.

Medicines did not help, stop/start the heart did not help & the cardio. Dr. left it up to me to have the ablation/ PM. Pre-PM, I did not experience any symptoms of lite headesness, SOB, dizzy, etc. My GP & my Family urged me to have the procedure done.

After the ablation/PM in 10/09, my recovery was ordinaire with no complications. Then over time, I have developed a slight 'lite head' once in a great while, SOB becomes more & more, weight gain, swelling of my ankles/feet, etc. I am going to make an appt. with Dr.

Listen to your Dr. I do not regret my ablation/implant, I do still have Afib, but in the last 2 wks, I am slightly feeling the Afib again, occasionally. Maybe stress?

Follow your Dr's. advice, do not wear an 'arm sling' at all ~ it could 'freeze' up your shoulder and cause a lengthy, painful re-hab on your shoulder. Also, listen to your own body ~ it knows what it/you need.

Best of Luck,
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ~ Lovin' this Autumn weather ~

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