AV Node Ablation

In Oct. 2010 I had an AV Node Ablation.  It was the last resort after no meds worked. A-Fib for 10 years plus. I’m 59 years old. Since the Ablation I have had shortness of breath and fatigue just like when you are in A-Fib. Was wondering if anyone experiences this and is there anything you can do about it.


AV ablation for afib

by ElectricFrank - 2011-01-16 11:01:31

Part of the problem is that AV ablation can't stop afib. It can only keep the fast fibrillation from being transmitted to the ventricles and causing vtach. Controlling the afib requires either meds or atrial ablation. Afib can certainly mess up the pumping efficiency of the heart. The atrial contraction properly timed is needed to provide adequate ventricle filling. A lack of good heart pumping leads to shortness of breath and fatigue.


avnode ablation

by oleblu - 2011-01-16 11:01:59

I to had an ablation when I was 59. I ended up getting a pace maker about a year later. I started getting the same symptons you have. You should be very careful and keep an eye on your heart rate. Mine started dropping and I started blacking out and passing out. It got to the point that I was so tired it was all I could do to get out of bed in the morning. Then my heart rate started going from 30s to 180. They had to put the PM in to regulate the low rate and are treating the high rate with meds. I wish you well and hope you get to feeling better.


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