early check-up

On Monday I'm going for a PM check to see if the Doc. can find out why I'm so tired all the time . Think I sleep more than a new born. Family doc has me going for a whole bunch of blood test. My blood right now is to thin but he doesn't feel that is the cause. I hope it's just a matter of boosting up the power on the PM and setting my pulse rate higher than 50 as that is where is hangs around. Just so tired of being tired all the time so hope this check-up solves the problem Has anyone else had to deal with this issue??? and if so what solved it??? I'll have my PM and year on June 9th. I really recovered so much better from my stroke 2 years ago than this PM. Wish me luck cause I'm starting to think this PM is not my friend.
Will keep you posted.



by kiwigirl - 2011-05-05 08:05:32

Hi Binky,
I had the problem of tiredness after I had my pm replaced in 2006, because they had set the pm at too low a beat to what I was used to & once they adjusted it I was ok.

I hope that is all they need to do for you.

All the best,


me to

by Binky - 2011-05-06 04:05:09

so glad to hear the setting makes a difference. thanks for telling me. Gives me hope that after Mon I'll be back to energy again. Sadly miss it.

Hi Binky:)

by Pookie - 2011-05-09 12:05:03

I too became profoundly exhausted after having my pacemaker.....but I think you're on the right track with having your blood tested and asking for your minimum rate to be bumped up a bit. Mine is at 60 and has always been that - once in the clinic they did offer to bump it up to 70 but I declined after the PM Tech told me since I was very sensitive to my pacer, that I might have a hard time falling asleep at night, so I never did try.

In the meantime, I just had a slew of blood tests and found out that my iron is 16. The range is 10 -250. So now I'm on Iron tablets, just started them today as I didn't want to take them with the antibiotic I was on as I caught that nasty flu bug and taking the antibiotic and the iron tablet would have wreaked havoc on my poor tummy.

Another thing that has made a bit of difference in my being SO tired is: the way (or timing) of when I take my night time meds. I spoke with my pharmacist yet again as I always get such great tips and her suggestion helped a bit.

There are so many things that can make one tired that sometimes it is very difficult to pinpoint the exact culprit.

I totally understand how you feel as I went from not sleeping at all to now sleeping 12-16 hrs per day!!!!! but not a deep sleep and am waiting for an appt date for my sleep study test which is to be done in the hospital.

Oh - and one more little tid bit - the more active I am during the day, the better sleep I get thru the night; go figure!!!!!!!!!!

You'll figure it out:)

Good luck and keep us posted.


Thanks Pookie

by Binky - 2011-05-10 10:05:48

Things went well yesterday and doing a slew of blood test on Tues next week.(when I go for my warferin blood test) and I hate needles so inclusive. I have no problem sleeping just get wiped when I do things and really hope it's better now.
thanks agin will keep you posted

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I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.