
Hi all. Would like to know if others have had trouble controlling their emotions? I have two more weeks until my PM surgery and it feels like I'm wearing my emotions on my shirt sleeve. I can go so long and then the slightest thing brings me to tears. If I get over tired it brings on the tears. I feel like I'm fighting to hold the tears back. I hope this will pass after my surgery.



Emotions ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-09-26 11:09:54

Do you think your emotions have anything to do with your crying? Maybe, it is the 'UNknown' of the future that is causing the stress/nerves/emotions/anxiety.

Have you shared this with your Dr.? He might want to give you just a very slight sedative/relaxer for awhile.

Having this procedure is a big step for you to take, even though this procedure is such an 'every day' thing to have/do now.

The procedure is almost over before it gets started, your being uncomfortable/slight pain where the 'Grand Opening' is (stitches) is at a minimum for a coupla days. In fact, I 'posted' 3 months on this web site before having my implant in 10/09 because of the unknown which triggered all my emotions. I had fine, good, educated people 'comment' to me who have gone through the same thing over and over. They told me I had worried over this too long and the procedure & I would be over before I knew the Dr. had started, almost.

Ask your Dr. if he would suggest something to take the 'edge' off your anxiety. Always consult your Dr.

Good luck and let us hear from you,
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ~ Autumn Weather is Wonderful ~


by cruz - 2010-09-27 01:09:45

I don't know what your diagnosis is or what type of symptoms/problems you were having. I have dilated cardiomyopathy and I have a combo defib/PM. I knew that for me, the procedure could save my life and there was a possibility of a better quality of life. In spite of that, I sometimes find that the changes to my lifestyle since diagnosis make me very sad. I've tried avoiding the "happy pills" but I know exactly what you mean with sometimes being on the edge with my emotions. I think fear is certainly one of the factors, but there is also diagnosis and the symptoms that go along with my condition that keep me a little anxious. I hope that you are able to discuss with your doctor. Sometimes it helps to have a place like this to just get it out of your system, and then you feel a little better. My thoughts are with you.

It will pass

by Hot Heart - 2010-10-01 05:10:20

It's shock, fear, the unknown. In time when you start to feel physically better you will begin to feel emotionally better. I cried for the first year, felt numb for the next few months, but now feel absolutely amazing and hardly ever think about the fact that I've got a pm.

Take care


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