heart beats

Just curious. Does anyone know why, at times, I am feeling my heart beat in my throat?




by LS - 2010-12-11 04:12:44

That's EXACTLY where I feel mine, and they've never given me an answer that satisfies me! LOL

Thanks for the feed back.

by #1grandma - 2010-12-11 05:12:06

I phoned the pm clinic and they did a phone check for me. They sid everything on the phone check was ok but schedualed me for an office check on the 15th.. Also, I looked on the computer to see what I could find and it said that palpatations can be in you chest, tummy, and throat. I do have them in my chest now and then so maybe it is that. I feel really good otherwise and was told as long as I feel good otherwise it was ok to wait until my appointment but if I did not feel well to go the ER this weekend or that he would see me in the ER on Monday. It's nothing that I can't handle if I know that it isn't serious but it makes you wonder.

I'll know if how I do at my appointment.


Referred pain

by Selwyn - 2010-12-11 07:12:14

Dear LS , Sally,
You may want to consider 'Referred pain':
'The central nervous system (CNS) perceives pain from the heart as coming from the somatic portion of the body supplied by the thoracic spinal cord segments 1-4(5). Also, the dermatomes of this region of the body wall and upper limb have their neuronal cell bodies in the same dorsal root ganglia (T1-5) and synapse in the same second order neurons in the spinal cord segments (T1-5) as the general visceral sensory fibers from the heart. The CNS does not clearly discern whether the pain is coming from the body wall or from the viscera, but it perceives the pain as coming from somewhere on the body wall, i.e. substernal pain, left arm/hand pain, jaw pain.( from Wikipedia)'.

To put this simply: the nervous system supplies more that one area at once, an impulse at the spinal cord level is felt by the brain as coming from that level and it doesn't know which specific nerve endings are being stimulated, and so heart problems can cause neck pain, arm pain, back pain - this is called referred pain.

Hope this explains.


by ambers - 2010-12-11 11:12:33

I frequently feel my heart in my throat. My doctors think it might be a different type of tachycardia. They started me on bisoprolol and for the most part it went away. I had to wear an event monitor for them to figure it out. Good Luck!

Pacemaker Settings?

by pacerpaul - 2010-12-12 10:12:37

Hi Sally,

I've actually had this twice - once when in the hospital and the PM rep was checking the leads (I have a dual chamber PM) and another time with my doctor who was doing pretty much the same thing. In my case it was coming from the bottom lead pacing. I'm pacing 74% of the time but only 2% from the bottm so normally I don't feel it (thank goodness). Wonder if your case is similar - especially since we got our PMs within a week of each other. Just a thought. Good luck and let us know what you find out. Smitty might have some insight too. He's a wealth of knowledge!

new name

by ambers - 2010-12-19 10:12:28

I posted earlier about having the beating in the throat...I just remembered that my doctors called it a junctional rhythm (don't think I spelled it right lol). I never did get any sort of explaination about what it is but from my understanding it means that the AV node pulses before the SA node....not really sure but might be something to look into!

Beating in my heart

by Pamila - 2011-01-07 08:01:03

I have expericed beating in my heart that sounds like a hammer pounding, I am wondering if this is the pacemaker kicking in. It happened last night twice after I had gone to bed like 2 or 3 in the morning. Can anyone answer my question. Thanks Pamila

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