
I was just wondering if anyone had any advice about tiredness. Did people felt it was better to do some exercise every day, like go for a walk or should I rest? i don't want to push myself too hard but I don't want to go on feeing tired.


cabg Patch

by doris - 2010-09-21 06:09:31

Thanks for comments re tiredness. very helpful. It is good to know one is on the right track. Doris

This has been my biggest Problem

by ABelle - 2010-09-26 09:09:26

Hey Doris,
I had my pm put in 3 and half months ago and still seem to be fighting the tiredness battle. I have days where I feel great, and days where I'm exhausted. Most of the time a quick little walk does seem to help, but then again so does a cat nap.I went out to a concert on Friday night and then got up and spent the day shopping with several girlfriends yesterday. By the time I got home all I wanted to do was crawl in bed and sleep for the rest of the night. This was 5:30 mind you. I ended up canceling my plans last night and staying in. Curled up with a good book and went to bed by 8:30! Don't feel guilty giving in and taking it a little easier than normal. I keep trying to push myself to be back at 100%, and everytime I do I'm exhausted. I have to keep reminding myself that it's alright to rest. Just keep being positive and taking care of yourself and let's both hope our energy levels pick back up to normal soon!


by doris - 2010-09-27 06:09:41

hi ABelle. Sounds as though that shoppping was a bit much but your tiredness could be connected with advanced age??! I am trying to have a little walk every day like you, Had mine put in 2 and half weeks ago. I keep dropping off to sleep though everytime I sit down to read a book which I didn't used to do so much but I am 84. Good luck. Doris

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