Possible Infection ?

Hi All,
I just passed the 1 month mark of my PM implant. All seemed to be going well enough but I've had a spot on my incision where (I think) a stitch was that suddenly got red. Yesterday I pushed around the area and some pus and blood came out. Not a lot but it did catch me off guard.

I'll call my doc this morning but was wondering - has anyone else had this happen and if so how concerned should I be? The rest of the incision looks fine, just this one spot.

Also, did anyone else have some burning or uncomfortable feeling in their chest after the implant? Sometimes it feels like I am having heart burn or something similar. Never had that before the implant so not sure if its related. When I asked the EP doc he dismissed it by saying it was the leads settling in. This all being new to me I'm not sure so don't know how much is normal experience or something to follow up on.

Thanks team!



get seen

by Tracey_E - 2010-11-01 11:11:44

If they don't call you right back, call again! Pus is not good in any amount. It's important to catch it quickly and nip it in the bud before it spreads.


by Pookie - 2010-11-01 11:11:45

are you on any new medications???

I had the same experience (feeling in chest) and it turned out to be the new medications I was taking at that time.

And I truly hope you don't have an infection at your incision site.

keep us posted:)


Nothing Serious

by pacerpaul - 2010-11-02 10:11:51

Thanks for the comments. Did see an EP doc yesterday (mine was off) and he said nothing to worry about. I'm on a 10 day regimine of Cipro as a precaution but he said it was like a bad pimple and now it will heal up just fine. Yeah. I never did ask about the feeling in my chest but I go back on Thursday to see my regular EP doc so I'll ask him but I'm now thinking it could be like Pookie says - medicine relatated. Thanks again everyone!


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