got my pacemaker

I got my pacemaker yesterday and it wasn't bad at all. I'm a little sore but i am doing really good. I guess they had some trouble putting the lead in because i have high cardiac out put and it wouldnt stay in..they said they had to put a heavy duty lead in. I did not get the AV node ablated, I have to wait till the lead heals in there for a week or so then i will get ablated. I was also told that my heart is not a 50 year old heart, I guess it has some wear and tear but I am alive and thats ok..I hope I will feel better alot better when the pacemaker starts taking over.. thanks for everyones comments and help.. it all worked out better than i expected..


Glad to hear you are doing well

by Hot Heart - 2010-10-01 04:10:52

Let us know periodically how you are.


pacemaker is great

by vikyms828 - 2010-11-01 04:11:02

I had my AV node ablated on oct pacemaker is now working great, and I feel so much better..I have so much energy... Its been really good so far..I cant even tell I have a pacemaker..I feel like I did 10 years ago...I am really surprised, because I wasnt sure what to expect..Id tell anyone to have it done... it has done wonders for me..

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Bad hair days can be blamed on your device shorting out.

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