Still alittle scared at times

Well, it is now going on 3 weeks (this Thurs) since my PM. Implanted due to low heart rate due to meds I was taking for an afib problem I had in June, other than that they happened a few times a year.

This was a very quick decision the nurse called me on Tues afternoon late and scheduled surgery on the following Thurs. So really no time to discuss anything. I haven't seen nor talked to the EP card since all this transpired. Even after the surgery...I don't see him until 11-11.

I go to the PM doc 10-29 whom I met while in the hospital and really helped me out so far as immediate questions.
I think I am doing good but I am so used to hopping up and going....seems like I have one great day then 3 slow days where I can feel werid things going on in my chest. My incision has healed nicely. I am still keeping my left arm down and not using it very much except for the elbow down and not lifting anything. I was put on tikosyn which is the last drug I think they can try me on all other four afib meds either my body had a reaction to or they slowed my rate too low or caused me to go into afib. I think the PM spec told me my PM will help with afib also. Not 100% sure of that tho. At anyrate I know there are soooo many in the club with so many major problems and I hate to stir and I know how impatient I am at times. I just keep reading all the posts and trying to decide if what is going on with me is normally experienced by you guys. Not having a doctor who seems interested in talking to me has not helped either. I don't know if tikosyn is causing me these slow spells or just my ticker getting used to being told what to do. I don't understand why a few times It feels like my heart is actually stopping or balloons are popping in my chest. I have always been able to feel when my heart goes out of sinus rythum. And when it starts bck to sinus rythum. So I suppose I can feel when the PM is kicking it into gear!:) I would just like to know what is normal. Which all my friends tell me there is NO WAY I will ever be NORNAL. LOL
Would love to know thanks thanks thanks



still scared

by sugar - 2010-10-11 08:10:43

Hi Mona,

I was 24 when my Afib started (apparently mine was inherited from my mother) and at 46, I was clocked for about 3 hrs. at a 230 per min. beat and I had the natural pacemaker surgery. I still had many events, but none that serious again and it was also controlled by meds. At age 60 I had the pacemaker with a beat of 30 and I will be 61 next month and I am still here. Or so I think I am here. I also get my pacemaker tested due to alot of activity in there and I do feel them. What kind of PM do you have? Always ask your dr as many questions as possible - I always have my list and I think I am the only one who goes in with a list of about 10 things every time I see him. The last monday in Oct. I will see the cardio dr. and in the a.m. I get to see my obgyn surgeon - what a fun day that will be - run to Boston and then back here.
WHAT IS NORMAL ANYWAY? The dr. might change settings or something like that - maybe not.
Be well, Patty


by NonaF - 2010-10-11 11:10:16

I have a St Jude's, two lead. Glad to hear of someone else who feels them. Did you have problems with energy after the implant? That is my main complaint. I'm not sure it's emotional or I really feel like that.
I think I will try to call my local hospital and see if there is a pacemaker organization here. Sometimes I just feel so alone in this Bionic maze. So thankful for the club and all you nice folks who try so hard to make everyone feel better.


by APgirl - 2010-10-12 09:10:12

Hi Patty, Nona

its 3 weeks today since I had my pacemaker. I can feel the PM kicking in a lot also, I think it is just because I am not yet used to the sensation. I also notice that whilst I now have energy, I dont yet have stamina. Hopefully that is just part of getting fit again :)

i am so glad I can surf and chat here too,as I dont know anyone here with one and it's certainly a conversation stopper.....

best wishes AP

3 Weeks

by richan - 2010-10-15 09:10:59

Hi NonaF,
Sounds like you are doing OK!!! The "tune-up" process may take a while (3 -8 months, maybe a year). I found that working with my pacemaker/nurse/tech was more helpful than talking with my cardiologist. My PM nurse would ask me questions and allow me to ask questions. She would make small adjustments based on what I was telling her about my activities over the past couple weeks. Eventually, I got to a point where I thought things were acceptable (I don't think I will ever get all the way back to where I was before PM). I have to remember that I am older now and that some of the things I think I should be able to do are "unreasonable demands".
Continue to go after it - you have to be your own advocate.
Be happy and be well,


You know you're wired when...

You participate in the Pacer Olympics.

Member Quotes

I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.