I'm a Newbie

I just found this site yesterday. I have an appt with an EP on October 11th to schedule the pacemaker implantation, Am freaking out big time. I have first degree AV node block and sick sinus syndrome, all caused by a botched SVT ablation in 2002. Even though I've known I would need a pacemaker "eventually" due to the damage done to my heart, it's still freaking me out. I had gastric bypass in 2007 and have lost over 200 lbs and can finally wear decent clothes, and now it's going to show and limit what I can wear even more? I know that sounds shallow and vain, but it's not. I wore tents for too many years to count and have worked so hard to regain my health. Then passed out in my bathroom at 1 a.m. and was unconscious for 10-15 minutes. Came too and had to call 911 ... all a nightmare that has shaken me to my core. I wore a monitor for two weeks and apparently my heart rate not only bottoms out, it stopped totally for three and a half seconds. My cardiologist called me and said "pacemaker time" ... so I'm in the process. I'm terrified and depressed about it and am having a hard time focusing on work or anything else. You all are ahead of me in this journey, so I'm hoping joining will help me so eventually I can help others too. I also have a-fib, but due to the damage done by the botched SVT ablation, I've not been able to take any meds for it since 2002. I'm scared of it all ... like is this the beginning of the end? I just turned 58 and I am active and looking good for the first time in years ... and now this. AAAAUUUURRRRGGGGHHHHH! Thanks for listening.



by #1grandma - 2010-10-01 03:10:34

I am having my PM implanted on October 12th and I too was freaking out until I found this sight. I have done lots of reading and now am emotionally ready for my surgery. All my friends on this site are wonderful and I could not do it without them

Don't stress too much

by Edouard - 2010-10-01 06:10:04

I am a 58 year-old active male who underwent PM implantation last May after a syncope during which I damaged my face and ribs. Although I had Bradycardia and passed out a number of times over the previous three years, I resisted any suggestion of a pacemaker because my episodes had not been very serious. This time, I busted my face pretty well. As some people pointed out to me, it could have been worse. I could have passed out while driving or while working in a precarious position.
I just want you to know that the procedure and recovery could not have been any better for me. I was awake through the surgery and felt no pain or discomfort. My recovery was quite rapid and painless. I resumed my normal activities much more quickly than I had any right to expect. I have experienced no after-effects and I have no fear of passing out at an inopportunne moment.
Concerning the "vanity" issue, you have the right to express your concerns. I wanted to maintain my competitive swimming regimen and would have postponned the procedure if my surgeon had turned a deaf ear to my request. Discuss your issues with your EP and make sure that your surgeon is made aware of what is important to you.
Best of luck and regards

Me too

by angelaryah - 2010-10-01 11:10:37

I just had PM implanted ion 9/9, and had vanity issues as well. That was almost first concern I expressed to Cardiologist. I am 31, have breast implants and not married, no kids. I enjoy being attractive and thought this would be a huge eyesore...I thought I'd have wires coming out of my chest, lol! But the scar is healing nicely (just under left collarbone) and only slightly raised. I have so many low cut shirts and tank tops that I still have been able to wear, just not strapless or spaghetti straps, although luckily the summer is almost over so I will be switching to warmer clothes anyway. I am hoping by next year the scar will be even less noticable and I'll have no problem with wearing whatever I want.
Take care and congrats on weightloss!


by sugar - 2010-10-02 07:10:08

It is true that the old bra strap will probably be the only thing in the way of clothing that will bother you so wear the wide strap tanks and a big shirt over for as long as it takes. I know the drs. have left very pronounced equipment but after 10 months, mine is not noticable and my scar isn't even that bad looking. I have other major problems with lichen planus - when I am visiting my son in LA, I will have them treated and lasered so they don't looks as bad.
Great weight loss and better for your health. Take a big breath and the day before remind us to all think of you or say some good prayers.
Be well and happy - I had mine at age 60.


by India - 2010-10-02 07:10:45

Thanks for all your kind words. It's helping. Besides the scar, doesn't the circle of the pacemaker itself show? I have a lot of extra skin because of the weight loss, and it's thinner than normal, so I'm afraid also of having this circle showing on my chest ... am I nuts? Thanks again for all your support. I am so grateful to have found you all. And yes, I'm female! :)

India (Toni)


by APgirl - 2010-10-02 08:10:03

had mine done 21/09 so very new, very neat scar at this stage in the usual place. there is a faint outline of bruising but i am pleasantly surprised that i have to really look for the outline.
hope your surgery goes well.


Hi Toni

by Pookie - 2010-10-02 09:10:12

Congrats on the weight loss!!!!!!

As far as the scar is concerned if your doctor doesn't put it under the muscle like mentioned above, just take a look at the Gallery pictures, as there are a few of us who have posted pictures of our pacemaker scars.

Mine is on there....I've had mine since November of 2004, but please keep in mind that my scar is NOT typical because they had to go back in 4 times after the original implant (story for another day)....and I am very skinny with no boobs:) so mine does stick out just a bit.

I'm totally amazed at some of the pictures I've seen on here and other friends who have sent me pictures of theirs via email...it's like a fine fine fine line.

The only mistake I made - after having my pacer and going out in the sun, I didn't put extra sunscreen on it, which was a dumb thing to do on my part.

Good luck and keep reading.....everyone (or almost everyone) gets very nervous before pacemaker surgery. But by ALL means, whatever question pops into your head....just post it and we'll answer:)

Take care and welcome to the club.



by kiwigirl - 2010-10-02 09:10:52

I think you are lucky to have this club to ask questions before the operation. I had my pacemaker incerted in 1985 when I was just 20years old. I had no one to talk it over with. My doctor wasn't much help either. The scar fades and after a while you hardly notice the pm is there

You will do fine

by jjnfc - 2010-10-02 11:10:34

I am a 54 year old female and have had my PM for 6 years. The scar is not that big of a deal and I view it as a gift and am almost proud to show it off. No one ever notices it and most people are shocked when I tell them that I have one. It is hard not to be afraid and have all sorts of questions but you will do fine and within time it will be a part of you and you will realize how important it is to have around.

You know you're wired when...

You can finally prove that you have a heart.

Member Quotes

But I think it will make me feel a lot better. My stamina to walk is already better, even right after surgery. They had me walk all around the floor before they would release me. I did so without being exhausted and winded the way I had been.