Mammograms & pacemakers

Hi just an update on my experience. I went and had my squishing today and all I can say is Oh My Gosh!!! what a totally different experience. this time I went to a place who only do mammograms and it was pleasent. this time it only took 25minutes. last time i went through the local hospital that was where the problem lies


Great News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Pookie - 2010-10-03 10:10:04

Hi, Pookie here.

I read your last post and responsed...I was SO shocked and horrified by your last experience.

So glad this one was MUCH better.

And thanks for updating us, because I, for one, was thinking of you and was hoping like heck that this time wasn't going to be a repeat of last time.

Take care,

Glad it was easier!

by Heidiglassmeyer - 2010-10-04 12:10:00

I have had orders for 4 months to have one. The last one was pre-pm. After a few postings that I have read make me more anxious. I know they are not pleasant, but having my PM just ads to my anxiety and I am not an overly anxious person. Guess I best just suck it up and get it done :)

Good news from you though!

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One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.