
to domb: thank you for your response. i am not sure if i am posting this correctly . is there a way to respond directly to the person after i read their message? So what i am getting from you and pookie is that i may have a lifetime of problems with this pacemaker. wow. i have been taking an antibiotic (cephalexin) since 9/28. my dr. just upped the dose to every 6 hours. the swelling and pain have gone done considerably but it is still tender at the site. i go to the dr. this morning at 11:30. i am hoping he will let me continue the antibiotics for another 2 weeks so i can work but we will see. do you know the danger of an infection and waiting? thanks again for all your help.


Private Message

by donb - 2010-10-04 11:10:14

Hi again, I posted quite a lengthy message under private message. Also always use the name in red (posted by) exactly as shown. I know I confused you as I did a typo when I signed, should have been (donb). You have to use the same case in the name as posted. When you're sending in Private Message you have to always use lower case to be aable to type message. After message is complete you have to change name to exactly as posted. Then you can go down and enter security code & send. I find if the persons name is all lower case, no problem. If UPPER case is used you will have to change it before you hit send. Also you can choose to just reply or you can do a compose. It's taken me many times as I exceed my time composing and pooof, it's gone. Good luck! donb

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