Looking for others

This is my first post. Name is Alex and i've just been having a pretty rough time. Really just lookin for other people round my age goin through the same thing to talk to. I'm 19 right now 20 in a week. IF your around those ages would love to talk to you and if not i would still enjoy talking to you.


Welome aboard

by teresa - 2010-10-10 02:10:34

Hello Alex,
Welcome to the site. I am 37, so I'm not near your age, however, my son just turned 20 in August. I'm the one with the PM though. I can't even imagine how difficult this could be if I were 20. But, the good news is that you came to the right place. I have only had my PM for almost 3 months. I am having a really good day today. I still am having a rough time with it, but this site really helps with the anxiety of what you are feeling. People will reach out to you someway on this site on your bad days. I will keep you in my prayers.

Hello :)

by petrolhead - 2010-10-10 03:10:40

Hey Alex,
Welcome to the club! I'm 22 and I've had a PM since Feb 2009. How long have you had yours? I get anxious and lonely having my PM - especially when I'm in hospital, when I'm the youngest patient on the ward by several decades! The anxiety usually comes about from palpitations in the middle of the night. To combat the feeling of isolation I used to feel amongst my friends, being the only one with a PM, I made it seem 'cool' to have one - like being battery operated was the 'in' thing. I named it too - he's a boy, and his name's Bob, lol.

If you'd like to talk more, I'd love to get to know you. Feel free to inbox me, or if you're on Facebook, you can add me.
Emma xx


by mike thurston - 2010-10-10 10:10:00

Hey Alex,
Welcome. Although not in your age demographic (I'm 58) I just wanted to say welcome to the forum and hang in there. I gather by your screen name you have a PM and ICD. Me to. It is difficult to handle sometimes so give yourself lots of time and get support from family, friends and the folks on this forum. There will be others in your age group respond I am sure. Best Wishes.

Great to see you here!

by MJH - 2010-10-10 11:10:26

Hey! I didn't see this first post (today!) until after I had read your comment on my "Concerns about my daughter" post (10/6) and posted my thanks to you and the other two who responded. The "Coping" forum is the place I need to be! I went to your profile/bio and found you are looking for others to talk to and that you find "it's lonely out there." If my daughter (21) would be willing to talk about her situation, I'm sure she'd be saying the same thing. I think she suffers from anxiety and some depression (probably not ALL caused by the pacemaker). I will be thinking of you and will be in contact with you this coming week. Mary Jane

You know you're wired when...

You have a little piece of high-tech in your chest.

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