
Hello again, I seem to be having a bit of an existential crisis. Is it just me or does anyone else feel that when they're sitting still or laying down it feels like you heart is stopped and you start thrashing about to elevate your heart rate and feel to make sure its there? Of course there is always the of chance that I'm just a little bit crazy but who knows.

Also still hoping to find more young people (ages 18-24) in MD with pacemakers. I can be lonely out there and meeting more people young like me with issues like me will be comforting. Not that anyone older that that hasn't been helpful with their posts and advice, just looking for people i can relate with a bit more i guess. Would love to hear thoughts from all ages though, all advice is welcome.

Hoping you all have a good and problem free day,



by Charli - 2010-10-11 08:10:13

I know how you feel, not sure where you mean by MD but I'm 16. I don't think there's many young people with pacemakers :/

Send me a message some time if you like :)

Hey there

by wenditt - 2010-10-12 09:10:06

I'm 34 so I'm not your age exactly, but I can relate. If I'm having PAC's or PVC's or skips or palpitations then I know I'm alive, anxious and well LOL. It's when I'm actually relaxed that I get more concerned! So I check my pulse or cough or do something to get it up and running again. Silly isn't it!

It's all in our heads. Frank is right. I never gave a second thought to my HR before my it's a bit of an obsession!

Good luck

Look at it this way

by ElectricFrank - 2010-10-12 12:10:13

About 15-20 seconds without a heart beat and you won't be wondering if its fact you will be too out to worry about anything.

Seriously, until we get a pacer most of us don't give much thought to our hearts beating. It's usual to be a bit more sensitive for a while.

good luck,


Not alone

by Shannon - 2010-10-13 09:10:49

Hey folks...
I can totally relate... and Like Wenditt said, I'm not exactly your age, I'm 36, but I feel INCREDIBLY young to have ANY medical "hardware" at this point. I'm still having a very hard time coping with the whole situation. One week ago, I had no idea I even needed it... Last thursday my Dr. called me (after a 24 hr Holter monitor) that I need to go DIRECTLY to the hospital and they had a bed waiting for me... 18 hours later, I had a PM installed! My head is still swimming...
My problem is low HR at night (likely due to sleep apnea) and long pauses (also at night). It seemed to be a rash decision to me, but since there were 4 different doctors concurring with the recommendation, I felt stupid arguing...

Now, since the install, I've been back for a "checkup" on the device and the Doc says it hasn't had to work yet...
Good thing... but makes me wonder why we had to jump to that conclusion so fast....

Anyway, I am dealing with some pretty difficult feelings now knowing that I'll never be just a "regular guy" again and that I don't have anyone my age that I can relate to with this issue.

It's nice to see there are others out there, but at the same time, I still feel like I can't wrap my head around all of this...

ANd yeah, now I'm ULTRA conscious of my heartbeat and my breathing rhythms... I'm quickly becoming obsessed with "vital signs"... I'm missing out on life, just trying to "stay alive" It's starting to really mess with my head too..

You know you're wired when...

You can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.

Member Quotes

I'm 44, active and have had my device for two years. I love it as I can run again and enjoy working out without feeling like I'm an old man.