
I've just been really down lately and I'm not to sure what to do. I was considering checking myself into a hospital for a few days. Does anyone have any suggestions or has anyone done that? Would really like to hear from you.




by sugar - 2010-10-14 01:10:21

Hi Alex,

This really does go with the territory and with all that is going on in the world, life can be a major challenge. You have some of the most qualified medical people there - if you can, take advantage of what is available.

The past two days have felt like I fell in a black hole. My friend had a really crazy day yesterday and with all that went on in Chile, the world was rocked with excitement. I thought there might have been a full moon going on.

My sister kept calling me to the point where I didn't answer - the day before, my nephew attempted suicide (age 26) - it has been the 3rd time this month or something like that. He has had an extremely rough life and at the age of 5, he lost the fingers on his right hand. It goes on and on. Hopefully things will get better. My phone apparently rang into the 911 police station here. I never called them. We worked it through on the phone - it was so bizzare that I went out back with the 2 dogs and started to dig in the garden and guess who showed up - a uniformed officer. He was checking the 911 which generated from my phone but not from me - he was nice, big, and the dogs went crazy - one will protect to the death and she stood at the right of me focused on him because once I was calm, she became calm and didn't leave my side. It was all in all a twilite zone day yesterday with good and bad. Go figure.

Be well and take good care of yourself. Oh, I went out and looked at the stars the night before last and they were winking at me.


Go seek help.

by heartu - 2010-10-14 02:10:38

Alex, I have read your earlier posts as well. I hope you got the private message I sent you yesterday and checked out that website.

It is clear that you have come to this website to find someone your own age to talk to. Go find the help you need so that you can get better physically, and emotionally. I am thinking of you and only want you to feel better. Hugs to you!


by LS - 2010-10-14 07:10:53

Yes, I would suggest talking to your cardioligist, or your family physician. Sometimes it's time that helps us, and sometimes it's a pharmaceutical. Nothing wrong with either of those options!
The fact that you're asking for help is good.
I went through a rough patch before my surgery and went on Prozac for several months. Best thing I ever did.
Good luck to you,


by Pookie - 2010-10-14 09:10:02

is quite normal for some of us, actually a lot of us...after receiving our pacemaker or defibs.

please talk to your family doctor about it and get referred to a therapist, counsellor, or whoever can help.

A lot of us have been where you are, and please don't take this the wrong way, but now is the time to go ask for help.

It's a normal experience after what we have been through and there is help out there.

You will be so much happier in the end.


Get help if needed

by mike thurston - 2010-10-14 10:10:27

Depression seems to be a constant with some of us. I have gone to see a counselor for a few weeks before. I would go once a week and just talk. Suprisingly on my first visit I shed a lot of tears which took me off gaurd. It helped. You are not alone. Exercise really helps me. Seems counter intuitive that with a third of my heart gone and being 100% paced with an ICD and in permanent a-fib that exercise would do the trick but it is my drug of choice so to speak. I have a lot of aches and pains (as do most of us) and breaking a sweat keeps me going. Best wishes.

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