Hey Everyone

Hope you all have been having good days. Been having a lot of pain lately and have found it nearly impossible to sleep because of arrhythmias. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. Not sure what to do about it anymore. Basically, found that I'm almost always miserable and nothing really makes me happy anymore. Only 20 years old and don't know how long I can keep this up. Chronic fear of being electrocuted by my ICD/Pacemaker has me at wits end. Just don't know what to do anymore.
Wishing your days are better than mine,


Hi Alex

by Hot Heart - 2010-10-24 03:10:11

I am sorry to hear that you are having such a bad time. I'm another 'oldie' i'm afraid (wish I wasn't but age is something we cant do anything about) lol.

The fear of being electrocuted is something which I think may be making you anxious and depressed, it might help if you were to try to get some support from someone like a clinical psychologist - I'm not saying your'e mad - I'm as mad as they come! lol. but it might be worth a try. A real sign of depression is not being able to get excited about anything and feeling miserable. Keep off the alcohol, chocolate and caffeine as well for a bit and see if that makes you feel any better, and definitely no illegal drugs. Make yourself laugh at least a couple of times a day, it is now proven that laughing makes you feel better, even if you arent actually laughing at anything. Now people will really think you are mad if they see you laughing at yourself in the mirror! lol - but it works!

Anxiety and depression can (in my opinion) cause arrythmias, I had loads of afib when I first got my pm because I was so anxious, chilled out and it stopped.

Depression makes you feel tired and unhappy, and it creeps up on you. I know that you had your pm at a younger age, but you are now a young adult and perhaps look at things differently.

Another thing that you could try is yoga, if you really let your mind go in a yoga session it can make you feel amazing. Exercise as well is good, released lots of feel good endorphins into the brain.

You are also at an age when you are becoming much more emotionally mature, and I'm sure that you look at your health and your future prospects in greater depth.

Please go and talk to someone, it is possible that it is your mind which is causing many of the physical symptoms. Lets hope it is, then it can easily be sorted.

I hope that I've not offended you in any way by anything that I've said.

I do hope that you start to feel better soon.

Take care


Hi :)

by Pookie - 2010-10-24 09:10:15

I usually write very long posts....this one will probably be the shortest one I've ever written:

You need to seek some help from a professional before the depression consumes your life.

I did - heck, a lot of us did - and life is SOOOOOO much better now.

Do yourself a huge favor, and speak to your family doctor about this and get referred to a psychiatrist or a psychologist...or both.

Just do it. I will change your life - all for the better.

(okay, this might not have been my shortest reply, but I tried...lol)

A lot of us have been where you are, but it won't fix itself, you've got to take the bull by the horns.


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