PM implant

Hi, I had my PM implant 6 weeks ago. It is now swollen near my armpit and when I press on the swollen area I can feel something hard. Is this normal or could it be that the PM has moved?


they can move

by Pookie - 2010-11-04 07:11:53

My pacemaker was not sewn into place and my pocket was made too pacemaker ended up in my armpit. I had surgery to fix the problem.

The best way to find out if what you feel is the actual pacemaker, is to ask to see whoever put it in and ask for a simple chest Xray....the answer will be on the Xray film.

DLER - pacemakers can move because not every doctor anchors them (sews them into place).

I really think you should get it checked as you also mentioned the word swollen. Better safe than sorry:)


they can drift

by Tracey_E - 2010-11-04 09:11:42

Theoretically they're stitched into place and can't move but some drs don't like to stitch them down, sometimes they get stitched down but drift anyway. It's not common but it happens. If it's swollen, I'd get it checked out.

Under arm swelling.

by Selwyn - 2010-11-05 08:11:21

A pacemaker is a big lump of metal that is not going to move around to the armpit.

If you have a lump in the arm pit it is likely to be a ( lymph) gland, possibly infected, or sometimes other things such as skin cysts and infections.

- go and see a doctor, it is not normal.

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