I decided to join

  • by TMK
  • 2010-10-12 12:10:23
  • Coping

Hello everyone, I have had a ICD for a little over 4 years now. I haven't had any problems until last month. I was shocked 5 times in less than 24 hours. We are blaming it on my dr changing the dosage of one of my meds. Needless to say, it has scared me a lot and I have been having a lot of anxiety issues lately. Anyway, I found this website a few weeks ago and have been reading posts and it does help to listen and talk to others with similar problems.


Don't Worry

by PacedICD - 2010-10-12 03:10:21

I know how you feel, Being shocked is probable the most uncomfortable feeling there is. I know the fear and anxiety of being out of control and not being able to do anything in the situation. It's really tough, My anxiety is so bad it made me a bit OCD and so terrified that I'm always shaking my arms or legs just to make sure my heart rate isn't getting to slow. Talking is the first step and the site is the best one I've ever seen for us Pacer/ICD folks. With time you probable will get less anxious. The best way is to just distract yourself when you start thinking about it. Not really a solution but it helps. I hope you start feeling better and don't worry, this community is here for a reason, to help others.
(I hope this helps, if not, I'll give it another shot)
And now an unrelated qoute
"If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it." Try and smile, first step to feelin better.


by TMK - 2010-10-12 03:10:56

Thank you Alex. My name is Terri by the way. I have already read some of your other posts before I had joined. My son's name is Alex. He is 13. Guess when I saw your name it just made me want to go ahead and join. I know you are a young man but you sound wise beyond your years! It's bad enough that we deal with the physical side of our heart issues but sometimes the mental side gets pretty bad too! I also have a daughter that's 9. I just hope I don't have anything hereditary that I might have passed on to them.


by sugar - 2010-10-13 02:10:32

Hi Terry,

I know the usage of my pacemaker and mine will have to be replaced between 3-5 yrs. After 4 yrs. yours may need attention - what does the dr. say? You can and should be tested or x-rayed etc.
Mine is due to a hereditary issue from my mother which they found out when I was 24 - and one artery was not developed as well. I will be 61 next month and most of my stuff goes on in my mind which I believe hits all of my medical issues. I look very healthy and don't complain to outside people - 24/7 pain - just talking to my sister last night triggered 2 hrs. of extreme pain. I was amazed it leveled out after 2 hrs. of stress. Emotions play a part, but with unusual experiences, I call and go in for the PM to be checked.
Be well and don't worry - kids survive alot and medical info is growing so fast. Life will be so different 10 yrs. from now and beyond.
Be well, Patty


by TMK - 2010-10-13 03:10:08

Thanks Patty. I have had my difib. checked 3 times since it happened. I did definitely use up some of my battery life. Since I didn't need it for 4 years it was almost like a new battery still. So luckily I still have enough life in it to last me a bit longer. My mom jokes that I am the healthiest heart patient she knows. I have had all kinds of weird tests and they always tell me the results are fine. My problem is my electrical system and I am married to an electrician. HA!

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