Muscle soreness

I had a PM put in August 16 and I'm still tender and sore. I don't even like the seat belt (w/fleece cover) touching my pm site and if I bump it it hurts a lot. I'm usually really good about handling pain, but this seems to be going on too long. My doctor is so vague about recovery time and I know it varies for people and because of body types. Any input from your experience would be great.


I'm with you!!

by sugarleaf4 - 2010-10-15 04:10:51

I got my pacemaker on August 4 and mine is implanted in my chest muscle --------- I am still sore sometimes and I just go with the flow. Other times, not too sore. I use a fleece seat belt cover too and I still get irritated sometimes and I think it has to do with the type of fabric that is next to my incision plus the fleece cover.

I just expect that my body will need a little extra time to recover and I'm in no rush. On those days when my incision site gets sore, I just pull my seat belt under my left arm. I always stay buckled up and a little added security of air bags makes me feel safe.

I think recovery rates are different for each person and what is good for one person, isn't long enough for another one, you know.

muscle soreness

by PammyMac - 2010-10-15 08:10:40

I had my pm fitted 4th June,(I'm 44) had to have leads repositioned 1 week later so same wound was cut open and this is the first week I can say I feel good, pain is finally going from pm site although I think it will always be a bit sore if it's knocked. Good luck

muscle soreness

by Tinawired - 2010-10-16 01:10:30

Thank you! It helps to have some kind of time frame in mind. I'm 52 and pretty healthy and was a runner for a long time, then a jogger for a number of years. Right now I'm a walker, about 40 minutes most days at a good pace. When I ask the cardiology staff they're very vague about how long I'll notice it, but when I asked after one month about lifting more weight their reply was "It's only been a month!" I'm having a PET scan this week so I'll ask them again, but at least I know from a few people that it started feeling better after a few months. I have a fleece seatbelt cover too, but anything that rubs on the site or the edge of the pm site is still irritating. It doesn't help to be small boned in this situation.
Thank you for the input everyone!!!

mine too

by Binky - 2010-10-16 05:10:06

my PM surgery was June 9th this year and I am still sore at the incision site. Very tender and sometimes itchy. I also ask the doc and was told everyone heals at a different rate so not to worry. But am getting tired of wearing the seat balt under my arm. Hoping you soon heal.

muscle soreness

by Tinawired - 2010-10-18 01:10:02

Well it's better than the alternative, but I'll be glad when I'm not sore or itchy or tender! I know that many people have it far worse and I'm grateful that they found the problem and that the solution was relatively simple. Life is good!

Muscle Soreness

by Marc51 - 2013-04-10 02:04:12

I had my pm installed a week ago and still very sore. I expect it will hurt for sometime but would appreciate thoughts on your experiences.

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Your pacemaker receives radio frequencies.

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Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.