has anyone had a hematoma drained

Hi, Im'm back again. the drainage that really relieved the pressure this hematoma was putting on my incision has closed so there is now no natural drainage for this huge painful lump on my chest. My brother used to get his knee drained with a honking big needle, I am wondering if it is possible to do the same thing to relieve the pain and pressure I am having in the failed placemant site. I have no fever, no pus, no redness. It does look like it is about to stretch open though and I do not want to go through another heal on its own trial, like I did when my breast biopsy split open after my foster child kicked me one day post surgery. That took over six months and the wound was much smaller with the biopsy than my failed placement site.
I just don't want to sound like an idiot when I see my doctor on Wednesday. Is such a procedure possible? Has anyone here had a needle aspiration for this problem?



I second Pookes comment

by ElectricFrank - 2010-10-19 01:10:17

This shouldn't be happening so check it out.



by Pookie - 2010-10-19 12:10:02

I don't have the answer but you shouldn't feel like an idiot when you have a medical question to ask your doctor....that's why he/she makes the big bucks!!!!!

No question is stupid.

Obviously you have a medical issue that needs to be addressed....simply ask the doctor what can be done to alleviate your problem and don't leave without an answer.

Good luck,

Hematoma much better

by kathykat11 - 2010-10-22 05:10:10

I went to the doctor on Wednesday and got released to return to work on the Nov 25. My doctor had me desscribe my activities at work and released me to work with no restrictions. When He saw my hematoma he said if it was 2 inched lower it would have been a good boob job. I told him it wasn't nearly as impressive as earlier in the week when it was twice as big. I still have pain at both sites but neither one is as bad as the pain from my RA and I work with that on a regular basis. Actually the restrictions the RA have probably kept me safe from jostling the leads. Every cloud has a silver lining. I am excited and happy to be getting back to work. You guys have kept me sane, the past couple of weeks. i will let you know how work went. Thanks agian for being here

Back to work one week

by kathykat11 - 2010-11-02 02:11:12

Well I made it through the week, I had a bit of pain from PM sites but the RA pain was much worse. I was in tears everyday. not boo hooing but just tears running down my face from the pain. Yesterday I started feeling like I did before the PM surgery. People at work kept saying Ms Kathy are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital. One young man offered to carry me to the bathroom. I feel fine other than the RA pain and then allof a sudden I feel weak, I am not dizzy like I was but I am concerned at this sudden loss of energy.
I have a call in to my cardiologist, and am wondering if I should have called the pacemaker people instead. Any input is appreciated.

You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

I have a well tuned pacer. I hardly know I have it. I am 76 year old, hike and camp alone in the desert. I have more energy than I have had in a long time. The only problem is my wife wants to have a knob installed so she can turn the pacer down.