follow up on still in pain and still not sleeping

Hi People,
Went to see the EP and he said it needs to be moved under the muscle. He asked if it was doing its job and I advised except for the pain of the pacer and shoulder hitting I was satisfied with how well my heart is tripping along now.
He is going to be getting with plastics to get this fixed ASAP and said never let pain ride... gripe about it. Thanks gor getting me moving on this.
Best Always,


It's About time!!!!!!!

by Pookie - 2011-01-13 10:01:25

That is excellent news Kathy.

I'm glad you spoke up.

Keep us posted...............

Like your doctor said: "never let pain ride - gripe about it", that is why I mention on here A LOT to be the squeaky wheel - to get the grease

I am SO happy for you:)



by agelbert - 2011-01-14 02:01:28

I'm happy you are being treated with the respect you deserve.

it's about time

by veronika - 2011-01-14 04:01:05

Pookie and all, you seem so strong in speaking up. Eventhough I think I am an "informed" patient, having had 2 dual pacemakers in 5 months (leads malfunctioning) I find I am gunshy in speaking up. For 5 months I told them, something is not right, and I was told : everything is fine, give it time. But I know my body and can feel if there is no pulse for 3 seconds, then the heart skips happy along with 90 til 100, then goes to 46 or so.
So finally i collapsed on christmas day and had to be rushed to hospital. I am having an interrogation in 1 week and want to ask: is there a way to find out (X-ray?) if the leads have attached properly? My EP is the director of the EPdepartment and well respected. where does your confidence come from? i am scared it could happen again but I don't want to live in fear. Thank you for your encouragement. Any suggestions

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One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.