ionic detox is it a scam

My daughters instructor in psych, a medical doctor is advocating for Ionic detox and says it works the sites I went to have lots of anecdotal info but also says people with pacemakers can't use the treatment. I think it is hokum but I have been wrong a time or 2 in my life. what do you people think and is it really dangerous to people with pacers? I have beeen neglecting you guys on here. i am pooped all the time and it always gets worse in winter since I am solar powered like the energizer bunny. other than being pooped, fat, and unemplyed although on disability. i am relatively Okay.
Thanks for any input on the subject especially. from Frank if he is still active here.


Wrong vitamin

by IAN MC - 2013-01-22 02:01:00

Sparrow.. If you are selling Oregon sun as a source of Vit B , that IS a scam ; I think you mean Vitamin D


Ian. PhD

Ian you shook my high value

by kathykat11 - 2013-01-22 02:01:57

of your opinions with the adding of that title. Just kidding... I generally feel tthough people that put letters behind their names usually feel they have something to prove. I already know my medical doctor is one because I do my due diligence now that I have a PC before I went by others experience... and who the Navy send me to for referrals, now I check their stats. I have checked out the renta a docs I have been sent to by the navy in the past and unfrtunately most of them have very poor ratings. the actual military doctors I had contact with have been top notch. my cardiologist is one I saw when he was at portsmouth naval and I see now than he is in civilian practice.

My Take

by ElectricFrank - 2013-01-22 02:01:58

I don't know much about the machines so I can't give much of an answer.

I'm also solar powered. I'm lucky to have a south facing bedrock window that lights up the bed with sun from about 1:00 to 3:00PM. So each day after lunch spread on the bed nude and soak up an hours sun & nap. Sure makes the day look better.


could you look up ionic detox,

by kathykat11 - 2013-01-22 03:01:28

If you have an extra minute, I think more than half of the effects are placebo but even placebo helps sometimes. I got my Daughters instructors mixed up he is a PhD. so I don't put much stock in what is said there now. personal experience with flakey dishonest cousin, no really valid reason. I would get frostbite and arrested if I took advantage of the sun coming in my first floor window you can't give the whole neighborhood snow blindness w/o getting arrested for malicious maiming and my frog belly white body would stike someone blind and at overweight and sixty. I don't think the view would be worth it. it is cold here right now .My son asks how many layers today. I am doing good today only 3 usually it is 5.. 2 of which are sweatshirts. Only do the esearch if you are totally bored, I am going to ask my doctor what he thinks and also why we shouldn't do it. I will let you know what I find out.


by ebfox - 2013-01-22 09:01:25

Hi Kathy,

I don't have any direct knowledge of ionic detox, but I googled it and there are lots of posts calling it a scam.

Back in my afib days, I used to frequently follow a site called That site masquerades as a self help forum, kind of like this one, except that the site also sells supplements. Turns out that many of the posts are nothing but ads for various things promising to fix afib. It is lining the pocket of the website owner and selling false hope to people with a disease needing help.

I think there's a special place in hell reserved for people who prey on the sick.

You are correct about the placebo effect but a very few people are lucky enough to benefit from that.

Sorry, but I think it's a scam.


Titles and licenses

by ElectricFrank - 2013-01-24 02:01:06

A document displayed by the owner to make up for a lack of knowledge.,

PhD: Piled Higher and Deeper.


too true unfortunately

by kathykat11 - 2013-01-24 02:01:50

I do not mind seeing PhD among many letters behind a name... a person needs to have a hobby. collecting degrees is as good a hobby as any. I take it that I should not put much value in the ionic detox he reccomends. I do not know if my daughter could do it since the contra indication s includr people taking meds on a daily basis and I can't because of the pacer. I wish people would stop putting scams out there for gullible people myself included at times to be taken.

Better than working

by IAN MC - 2013-01-24 05:01:49

I believe. that the reality of acquiring higher qualifications is often that the academically gifted will do anything rather than find a real job.

Eventually the hard economic realities of life catch up and those same professional students go, certificate in hand, to prospective employers with the plea :-

Please Help .. Destitute ! ( PhD )


Mine does too

by kathykat11 - 2013-01-25 12:01:08

But the cardiology fellow is the one i need value and respect the most. He is excellent and having know him more than 20 years is a big plus fo me.

Oh No!!!

by Casper - 2013-01-25 12:01:41

What happens when your doctor not only has his MD, but his PhD.

Some people are just more disciplined and truly deserve the recognition, my doctor has these distinguished honors, and I truly trust him with all my heart.


You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

I have a well tuned pacer. I hardly know I have it. I am 76 year old, hike and camp alone in the desert. I have more energy than I have had in a long time. The only problem is my wife wants to have a knob installed so she can turn the pacer down.