I need help

I am sorry to pester you all but I just had a pacemaker implanted and I am simply scared now. I am no wimp but I am afraid now of what is to happen long term.

I am 56, very avid health person but my heart simply lost its ability to utilize the electrical ability it was designed for.

Sorry, I am just scared

6454@live.com is my email


We have all been there

by bmom91 - 2010-10-20 01:10:38

Billy I know how you feel I got my first pacemaker at age 31 and boy was I scared before and after. I learned from the incredible people on this site that there is life after pacemaker surgery most people you'll meet here will tell you about their incredible vacations and the sporting events they compete in and they will also tell you about the little blips that sometimes happen with us paced folks. I am on my 10th year of being paced and my second pacemaker and I am glad for all the things I can do like work play with my family and just recently hiked up to 14000 feet probably not my smartest idea as it was a dizzy experience but glad I tried it. Good Luck and try to relax and enjoy life!

Will be fine

by Beckes76 - 2010-10-20 01:10:49

A PM is a very scary thing. But just think your PM is now helping you do all the things that you love to do. The first few weeks just take it easy and follow what your doctors have told you to do. Once you get up and move around don't do too much at first. Just gradually increase your activity. Before you know it you will be back to what you were doing before the PM. If you need anything just ask. We are here to help you along the way.


I'm new to this also .

by lkmoss - 2010-10-20 04:10:47

Hi Billy . I can't really answer any of your questions because like you I'm new at this . Today is one week for me . I can only wish you the best and say hang in there . You have come to the right place for help . I've gotten a lot of support here as will you . Good luck and what ever you do stay calm . That's some of the best advice I've gotten . Best of luck ! You'll be on here in a couple months sharing your knowledge with others ;-D

Be Positive

by Kerry Revell - 2010-10-20 05:10:13

Having just joined the club and yours was the first posting I read , I sent you an email in being positive.
I am on my third PM since 2003 due to slight hiccups, but onething I have learnt is to be positive , think how great it is to be better off than you were before ,the joy of yr family& friends around you. It took a little while to getting used to the PM while the wound was healing but after that I looked at all the positive things in life and that helped me a lot. im 57 yrs old a chef still running my own restaurant which has a lot of stress involved with staff and the day to day running, but everyday I wake up thinking how lucky I am to have this second (in my case 3rd chance to be breathing and feeling really good) What ever you do get rid of those negative thoughts, feel good even if you are down a little.If I can help in anyway let me know in the email I sent you
Take care & keep smiling - cost nothing to smile and it gets good returns.
Best regards
Kerry Kiwi NZ

It will all work out

by Edouard - 2010-10-20 11:10:21

OK - first things first: I've got to scold you for your opening phrase: "I am sorry to pester you all..."
This is a forum. People are here to exchange, ask for help, and help others. Don't EVER apologize when asking for help.
We all have one thing thing in common in this group: our hearts are not performing the way they should.
I am a 59-year old physically active male who suffered fainting spells for three years before collapsing, last May and busting my face and ribs quite thoroughly. I also ruined a favorite shirt and pair of pants in the process - they were covered with blood. My cardiologist had talked of heart block, while the surgical report indicated that I suffered from Sick Sinus Syndrome.
Surgery was a snap: I was awake through the whole procedure. Pain and discomfort were minimal. I was released within 24 hours and pacing the house the next day after that.
I resumed my Masters Swimming program 6 weeks after the operation and am scheduled to race in my first competition since the procedure this coming Saturday. I have had no after-effects and have not passed out since the operation. In summary, my situation has been pretty "textbook". You're a bit younger than I am so if you're otherwise fit, there's no reason you can't go back to your pre-PM lifestyle.
It helps to personalize your PM, as a friend. I've taken to calling mine "Pac-man".
Think of this as an incident and your implant as a corrective measure which takes you back to your normal self. Above all, smile and enjoy the benefits of your new friend.
Best regards and good luck.

I WAS terrified!

by Hot Heart - 2010-10-24 04:10:17

Hi Billy, the anxiety will pass and you will go to bed one night and realise youve not thought about it all day. It's normal to be scared, it doesnt make you a wimp, it makes you human, ohhhh and alive!!

Enjoy life, think less about it day by day.


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