PM Checkup update

Have had my PM since Sept 2010. While I am out walking I have been SOB and have a lot of chest pressure. At my appointment yesterday I had a tech from Boston Scientific working with me to figure what settings are best for me. He listened to my concerns and took the time to try some settings out and having me walk down the hall to try them out. I was anxious to try out my new settings today for a long walk and was very disappointed to again experience SOB and a lot of discomfort in my chest. I am so frustrated. I am at a lose for what to do!



Time To See The Dr.

by SMITTY - 2011-01-22 04:01:40

Hi Cathy,

Been there and done almost the exact thing. My solution was very simple, get a stent. May I suggest that you make an appointment with a cardiologist. From my experiences after 29 years of living with heart disease that has required a quadruple bypass, a pacemaker, four stents and only God knows how many different medications, I have learned it is better to be safe than sorry.

Just be clear I'm not predicting anything catastrophic for you, but the rule I live by is pain, SOB or chest discomfort that I can't identify causes me to see a doctor.

Good luck to you,


PM Settings

by kcruz - 2011-01-22 05:01:35

Cathy: Sorry to hear the frustration, been there done that..but when my heart function better I can say that in time little changes can be helpful. I would suggest thought that maybe you suggest to the rep that they only try one change at a time that way you could have a better idea of what is working and what is not. When they may "a few" changes all together it is hard to determine what helped and what didn't.. I also agree with smitty because after you talk with the doctor, sometimes they will recommend that you do a tredmill test with the rep present, that way the can adjust while you are doing activity. Good luck

I agree

by ElectricFrank - 2011-01-23 12:01:11

I agree with the comments above. The pacemaker can help a lot with electrical problems in the heart, but can't help much with plumbing problems. You may need to have a stress test to evaluate the whole situation.


PM Settings

by TalkinCardio - 2011-01-23 12:01:17

I do have an appointment in 2 wks with my cardiologist. That has been in the back of my mind. I've been thinking that maybe it isnt anything to do with my PM, maybe its a problem with my heart and I dont know it. I do have a mechanical mitral valve along with other various issues with my heart so it's definately a concern. Thank you both for your input.


Best wishes

by ElectricFrank - 2011-01-24 12:01:20

Sounds like a possibility. It sure helps to know what is happening even if the news isn't what we want to hear. So much is "fixable" these days too.


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It's much better to live with a pacemaker than to risk your life without one.