PM Leads

I see there is a recall on faulty ICD leads. Is it possible that PM leads are also faulty. When the tech from the company does a check he is not going to tell you if there is a problem with the leads as it will cost the company money. If the Doctor is getting kickbacks of up to $2000 for a PM how can you be sure his dicisions are based on sound medical judgment.



by ElectricFrank - 2011-12-17 02:12:57

Be sure to get a copy of the pre and post checkup report each time you have your pacer checked. There is a section that give information about the lead impedance, pacing threshold voltage, and lead mod (like unipolar/bipolar). If any of these change radically it can be an indication that there is a lead problem. Even if you aren't an expert at reading the report, just having it lets them know you are watching and keeping documentation. It's amazing the effect that can have. I use the same approach for procedures like pacemaker replacement. I casually ask how soon the reports from OR, anesthesia etc will be available for me in the records office.


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