constant run around

does anyone else ever wonder if its all worth it? Im ready to give up and see what happens....
Im scheduled to see mayo in February for pulmonary issues, iowa heart almost every week, and iowa clinic for pulmonary issues...Im tired of not being able to breathe and live like anyone else
Is the constant fight really worth it? it would be so easy just to give up right now



by DC Pacer - 2010-11-19 09:11:19

I don't know you, but would encourage you to fight. It seems overwhelming at times, and like it might not ever end.

Don't give up. There are lots of success stories on here.

dont give up!

by acvarnado - 2010-11-20 01:11:03

ive never been in your situation, but my now three-year old has. ive almost lost her several times after heart surgeries...but she's still here, and i believe theres a reason for that. God has a plan for her, and for you. She's already on her 2nd pacemaker, and thankfully doing well. Youll be in our prayers tonight.

Hang In There ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-11-20 01:11:23

I don't know you, but am glad you are a member of the PM Club. Wonderful people on here can give you good advice. Everyone has their 'struggles' & these are friends.

Seems like my first year, all I did was go back and forth to one doctor then another. It became so tiring because you could not be home long, before you were on the road again to more appointments.

I had a blood clot, needed a PM, had/have AFib, plus all the other 'stuff' I could inherit from my wonderful, beloved Grandma, Bless Her Soul ~ ~ Finally, all these problems were taken care of and I could actually 'see the light at the end of my tunnel'. Hang in there.

Wake up everyday, knowing you were a chosen one to be lucky enough to enjoy the beauty of that day. Smile, some people never feel that warm, fuzzy feeling. Take a deep breath every once in awhile and give your loved ones a big 'bear hug' ~ ~ Make everyone else's day happy, even when you don't/can't be happy yourself. This will make you feel better yourself.

God Bless You ~ ~
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ~ Have You Hugged Someone? ~

you are loved

by keveri - 2010-11-20 02:11:48

I remember the little boy dying of leukemia nd he said God only gives the strong the hard jobs as He knows we can handle it. you may not see that now but you will. also rememer "there for the grace of God go I" Everyone is different, it took me a long time and i am still struggling.
You will feel better ehn you least expect it. Good luck at Mayo, the best place for miracles. love and prayers, good luck.
let us know how you are doing

in ch'allah

by aya - 2010-11-21 08:11:43

We have a saying in Islam that means "whatever God wants" I dont mean to get religious on you, but I think all of us who have been placed in these situations with our health have questioned a higher power(whatever you want to call it) at some point or another. To answer your question.. YES IT IS WORTH IT!!!!!! I am 33 years old and have been through everything from addiction to abuse to these kind of health problems. There are good days and bad and just when you dont think you have anymore left to give, you will find an amazing inner strength inside you. You are still here with us for a reason so keep pushing, I know its hard, the path seems to be crooked and narrow, but life is an amazing gift so appreciate it and know that you are supported and loved=)

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