Anyone on Tikosyn

They want me to go on Tikosyn on 12/27/2010 for A-Fib. I have been on all the other drugs already with no success. I don't no if it will take me out of A-Fib. If not then I get a abalation operation.

Any information on Tikosyn or abalations would be great
Thanks, Don



by thomast - 2010-12-04 05:12:08

I have been on tikosyn for over 5 years, and it has worked good, keeping me out of A Fib. I take 250 mcg twice a day. with no side effects. I was on amaronadon (bad spelling) for 3 months and was so out of breath i could not walk 100 ft. then went to Sotalol and was sick for 6 months, then to Tikosyn for last 5 years. Yes it is expensive, with my insurance the co pay is $70 for 90 day supple. So far it is the best I know of. I also take the beta blocker Coreg.


by anette - 2010-12-04 07:12:05

Do you speak about cardiac ablation,or AV.NODEablation?


by LS - 2010-12-04 10:12:43

I take Tikosyn. 500 mcg. 2 times a day. I take it in conjunction with Metoprolol.
It took me a good 4 months before my body got used to it. One of the side effects is it made me so tired.
It's pricey, even with good insurance my co-pay is 60 bucks.
They tried many different meds with me too, but this seems to be doing the trick.

Glad to hear of others!

by NonaF - 2010-12-04 11:12:35

I was implanted in Sept and while in the hospital for that the doc decided to put me on tikosyn. I was really nervous at first with 500 twice a day with severe headaches but they dropped the dosage to 250 twice a day and that has worked great. I was going into Afib about three times a year. The spells would last about 12 hrs and the doc had tried all but tikosyn. Now with pm and med I hope thngs will be great. My heartrate was only in the 40's because of the other meds and could not get it to go back up. Just went for my second pm check and said it is working 97% of the time keeping my rate up to 70 which he thinks is responsible for no Afib along with the med. I can only pray it stays good. No pharmacy carries it here in MS but found one who would special order it for me. Apparently no doc here uses it. My doc in Mobile is the one who prescribed it. I hope it does you as good as it has me so far anyway. Take care and try not to worry about all this. The more I worry the worse I feel!

On Tikosyn

by kcruz - 2011-01-14 08:01:52

I too am on Tikosyn, have been on for about 2 year, only issue I have had is that over the past 6 months it is not controlling arrhythmias as well so we are trying an adjustment from 250mg twice a day to 250mg three times a day. Out of any of the meds they have tried this had had the least side effects although it is very expensive

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